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  1. dangerousdave

    Some advice for HSC Students

    What if you cant sleep, any suggestions for that?
  2. dangerousdave


    I still watch the simpsons. cartoons from my childhood inlcude: rugrats, banana man, Super Ted... I cant remember, all I remember is that they were on ABC.
  3. dangerousdave

    School Stats on Arab Males

    That makes no sense to me. What do you mean by mega motion?
  4. dangerousdave

    ??One Big Folder??

    Well I mix books with a folder. It's too annoying just having a gaint folder for all my subjects, and it gets too fat. So decided to use exercise books for most subjects but have a folder for physics and religion. ... Now that i think of it, I dont think I had much logic when I decided to use...
  5. dangerousdave

    Is 99+ UAI attainable?

    A couple of people at my school last year got over 99. So it is possible, just very very hard.
  6. dangerousdave

    10 Units or more for Year 12? What are you doing?

    Well I'm either doing 13 or 12 Units next year. Don't know if I want to drop to 1 SoR or not.
  7. dangerousdave

    Additional Text on change

    "Changes" by David Bowie
  8. dangerousdave

    3u Maths -- Drop or Continue...?

    I have no idea, all i know is that I'm owning maths, yet I dont want to go up to 4U
  9. dangerousdave

    Yr12 in less than a month!

    Well last week I was like (1. Yr12 already! wtf?), but right now I'm too busy with Prelim exams. Next Saturday I plan to be (9. too drunk to care) because it will be my reward for working so hard for prelim exams. Over all I'm (7. not too worried)
  10. dangerousdave

    Religious affiliation

    I'm a non-practicing Buddhist. Their beliefs appeal to me more than soem almighty God that has full control over the world. However, I do go to a Catholic school.
  11. dangerousdave

    3u Maths -- Drop or Continue...?

    I know people who were failing and have dropped from 3U down to 2U and they're owning it. I think if you are stuggling then you should drop.
  12. dangerousdave

    Howard Supporters??

    Yeah, Im pro Liberal.
  13. dangerousdave

    My Prelim Timetable..... your opinion

    Our prelim exams go over 2 weeks. I feel sorry for you, mine are all spaced out nicely. Mon: Phys Wed: SoR Eng Next Monday: Chem Eco Next Wed: Math Fri: Math Exten
  14. dangerousdave

    Religion & Relationships (merged)

    True... as long as I'm not forced to go to common rituals such as weekly mass. I would go to life cycle rituals though.
  15. dangerousdave

    Religion & Relationships (merged)

    I tolerate all religions (execpt for evil sects), I think thats all that counts. I wouldn't convert just to go out/marry someone.
  16. dangerousdave

    School / Subject

    I go to Marist Kogarah
  17. dangerousdave


    That was my regret at the start of the year as well, but I've grown to like eco now. And I'm getting great marks for it.
  18. dangerousdave

    who's "into" hip-hop?

    Hip hop/Rap is the best! I know a few Aust groups such as: Hilltop hoods, Mass MC, The Herd. Right now I'm really into 7L & Esoteric (american). BTW, this is my first post.