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  1. Ultraviolent


    OH MY GOD! It's totally Drew in that NSync dance! Bwhahahahaha
  2. Ultraviolent

    We're All a Bunch of Whiners!

    This is also perhaps my main complaint. It seems to me that, in practice, quite a few of the courses actually discourage any real thinking. Instead, a program of mindless memorising and pseudo-intellectualism exists. I couldn't stand chemisty because any attempt to actually understand the...
  3. Ultraviolent

    myth busters---2006 hsc

    I had forgotten how entertaining this forum can be :cool:
  4. Ultraviolent

    uai 90+

    Quite easily.
  5. Ultraviolent

    English Essay Memorisers!!!

    879908 I got 87......
  6. Ultraviolent

    multiple choice...WTF?

    This is scary... edit: definitely ambiguous, though...
  7. Ultraviolent

    multiple choice...WTF?

    It's D! You still havn't provided a reasoning for A... Also gogogadgetbrain, for question 10, I think you mean "the equivalence point is just above 7" :p. A very nice list, by the way.
  8. Ultraviolent

    The Haber Process Question

    I believe it looked something like this: edit: same deal as the one above :p
  9. Ultraviolent

    multiple choice...WTF?

    You got full marks then :p Q14 was D. See my above post.
  10. Ultraviolent

    multiple choice...WTF?

    Both are incorrect. Q 14) BOD (especially when it's so high) often indicates sewerage. It would make sense that sewerage run-off would occur in a town. Also, a higher BOD, and lower pH point mean that the water is more highly polluted. It follows that the river has become its most polluted as...
  11. Ultraviolent

    multiple choice...WTF?

    I got 14/15. Deliberated over whether ethyl-pentanoate was a solvent or flavour. Went with solvent :( This does not necessarily make Iodine the best substance to be analysed. Metals are most suited to AAS.
  12. Ultraviolent

    When you finish you last exam you are....

    I'm going to read something! :drool:
  13. Ultraviolent

    Things you'd love to do in an exam

    If I didn't care about an exam, I'd take my rubik's cube. Man that would rule :cool:
  14. Ultraviolent

    Good luck!

    Godluck stoeled
  15. Ultraviolent

    H+ concentration?

    10^(-pH) 10^(-4.63) = 2.3 X 10^-5
  16. Ultraviolent

    So who's into Ambient or Post Rock?

    Godspeed for great justice!
  17. Ultraviolent

    physical looks

    I'm fading away. I'm sick of this life...
  18. Ultraviolent

    physical looks

    Graduating is overrated :o
  19. Ultraviolent

    physical looks

    Posting for more swimmer compliments :cool: