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    Scaling ???

    *sigh* if only we had Terry Lee's solutions to the English Extension 1 exam posted.
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    Request For Raw Marks Denied

    I too think i will apply for my results, i'm wondering if i got my solicitor to draft the request and mail it to BOS from his office it would have a better chance of not being rejected? If not, i wonder if there are any law students willing to take up the Bored of Studies cause for free and...
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    SO how many pages did you do?

    Creative: 10 Essay: 15 25 all up :D
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    Tutor Available Sutherland Shire Area

    Ex-HSC Student (2005) Mathematics Extension 1 (Ranked 1st) Mathematics (2 Unit) - No ranking... completed Extension 2 Maths Physics 1st Chemistry 1st English Extension 1 - 1st English (Advanced) - 1st Studies of Religion I - 2nd Email: flexible hours, will...
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    Time Distribution in Ext 1 English

    I suppose they could change it but it is generally an essay that can easily be prepared for... "generally" :)
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    Time Distribution in Ext 1 English

    How do you spend your time across the two sections???? I called Advice Line and they seemed shocked that I wouldn't distribute time easily, in a practice paper i spent 80mins on Essay and had 40mins for Creative... maybe cutting it too short? What time do you spent..
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    I really should be careful when i start throwing that word around... :o
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    It is actually quite mathematically correct. Finding the discriminant and setting it equal to zero would mean that, that quadric equation would have ONE real root. Which would mean on either side of E the chord would be of equal lenth. This would constitute the shortest chord. Therefore this...
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    I love Terry Lee so F$#%ing much right now, i did this by setting the discriminant equal to zero i didn't know what elso to do.. gave me 4 sqrt 3 which is this answer. Yes, i rule! Of course so does Terry Lee!
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    Unofficial HSC Advice Line Closes Doors...

    It is with great sadness that I, the self-elected chairman of the Unofficial HSC Advice Line announce the last call received as of 8:00pm EST on 27th October 2005. It is with tremendous regret that due to a increasing difficulty to staff the unofficial line and a decreasing number of callers...
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    Unofficial HSC Advice Line (As Requested by Kimmeh)

    You could always just enter the respective marks into the SAM calculator on this website, i.e 90 for Band 6 etc.
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    Unofficial HSC Advice Line (As Requested by Kimmeh)

    Server Back Online Now the original subdomain is working: however in case of emergency you may contact
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    Unofficial HSC Advice Line (As Requested by Kimmeh)

    Unexpected SERVER DOWN TIME We are currently having difficulties with our standard subdomain - In these comming hours please use our emergency backup subdomain which will keep our services running in these crucial hours before Mathematics...
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    Unofficial HSC Advice Line (As Requested by Kimmeh)

    Remember everyone, Mathematics 2 Unit, and Mathematics Extension 2 are tomorrow. You are reminded that during the examinations you will not have access to a computer, or this website so there has never been a better time to get your questions answered...
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    Unofficial HSC Advice Line (As Requested by Kimmeh)

    That's no shock to me, that's why we got ralph, he's friendly... also on that note we need students speialising in subject areas not already covered... apply to help other students it's the best way to learn PM me.
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    olmc got 20 min extra for english.. unfair!!

    YOU people DISGUST me, if you need 20mins extra time because you can't concentrate during an alarm. What the BOS should of done was prescribe you all Ridelin or even Speed that's the only thing that could of helped you. Twenty minutes, what a joke!
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    Unofficial HSC Advice Line (As Requested by Kimmeh)

    As much as i would have liked to keep the line open during those fearful minutes... i value my life :)
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    Your standards

    You'll die of shame if you get under...95 You won't tell anyone what you got if you get less than.... 96.75 You will be satisfied with over... 98 You'll be bloody estatic with over... 99
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    Unofficial HSC Advice Line (As Requested by Kimmeh)

    My sincerest apologies for the down time experienced early this morning for the Unofficial HSC Advice Line. The locality in which we have our server experienced a category 5 story and to avoid electrocution in my bedroom by lightening I switched the server off. The server, and advice line...
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    Unofficial HSC Advice Line (As Requested by Kimmeh)

    Hahahaha lmao as the founder of the Unofficial HSC Advice Line I would like to point out that the advice line in no way supports the individualistic statements of its operators in this forum :D Each operator is entirely liable for their own comments.... Now that my ass is safe, personally, i...