I think before we speculate on the potential of homosexual sex to destroy the notion of family we should bear in mind that homosexuality is physiologically confined. It is not like a religion which can 'spread'. There are a fixed number of 'natural' homosexuals and the acceptance of...
Well to take the Queer Eye example - what's wrong with straight men dressing neater as a result of gay culture influence? It seems like the actual gay influence, besides the homosexual intercourse aspect, does not damage society. It seems also that what we consider as damaging aspects of gay...
I meant the actual influence of homosexual culture on straight mainstream culture is not negative.
But your point (which is separate) is also valid. Sometimes the less the mainstream suppresses a minority and the more it tolerates and acknowledges the existence, the more obnoxious and...
I don't think homosexuality in Australia is at the stage where there are more declared homosexuals than there are 'natural' homosexuals, so to speak. Of course when the rights of a minority are emphasised there is an increased tendency for those in the minority to declare their minority status...
I suspect that our main disagreement is on the source of morality. Your arguments turn on the idea that general definitions of moral wrongs informs what is morally wrong. My contention is that the morality of acts depends on the judgment of individual in the particular situation, or on what...
It was definitely a dive from Saha, but nevertheless a cleverly executed one. Notice how Ronaldo congratulated him before he took the penalty for his professionalism.
Looks as though Chelsea might struggle from now on. But I'm interested in seeing how Abramovich personally manages the club...
I explained to you why that is wrong in the last couple of posts and I don't think I need to repeat myself if you insist on repeating that sentence and taking it as fact without justifying it. I mentioned a framework based on consequences only because you mentioned that your moral framework is...
Hi volition. You've not countered my last posts, so I don't feel the need to directly defend them. To clarify the decisive reason - 'stealing' is a word that categorises a number of actions that those in power (historically the monarch) and the community, regard as morally wrong. Any definition...
Volition, taxation is not stealing - it is not regarded as stealing because the general consensus in society precludes taxation from the definition of stealing. I'm gonna quote what I said in the other thread:
You mentioned later that examining the definition is unnecessary. But of course...
There are always some crazies at the end of these sort of speeches. They ask some agenda based questions that they don't expect to be answered, and they always yell at the microphone to get maximum attention. I think Andrew Meyer was one of those crazy guys. Having said that, the campus police...
Yes that was the pledge. Howard will lose though. It will be somewhat of a dolchtoss, but there are simply too many working class and migrant folks in Bennelong for Howard.
Re: Semester II Chatter Thread!
Eco won't be what you expect. It's mainly a mathematical rather than social science orientated degree, unless you do some socialist major such as political economy.
Nah I think Liberal chances are far lower than you would suspect. The fact that Howard has been PM since we were young has lulled our generation into thinking that his reign will last forever. But older generations are quite familiar with changes in government. They sense that the change ought...
Haha poor bitter deluded libs.... truth is, you guys have no chance of winning the election and howard has no chance of winning in Bennelong. That's undeniable.
Depends. They will only look down on you if you act and talk in a stereotypical westie way. Snobbery is relative - if everyone is rich there's nothing to be snobby about.