It's hard to determine whether it is. In moments of pain, it's not worth it. But in moments of pleasure, one might see the past pain (it's already in the past) as worth the pleasure during that particular moment. I just think, in determining whether or not to permit euthanasia for a particular...
Even though the perception of the present is dependent on past and future, as I have acknowledged, a present which already factors in the past and the future in determining it should not be factored into a greater equation combining all 'present' moments in time.
So whereas you and I in most...
They can try to compare the two states but a real comparison is impossible because nobody has experienced death before making the choice to die. It's arguable that death can be compared with sleep, but sleep always ends in the person waking up, and is only assessed when the person wakes up. But...
You'd think so, but even determinist philosophers are able to live their normal lives based on 'false' human perception. It is doubtful that the worlds will ever collide for an ordinary person. Of course, there is the possibility that the objective world may influence human perception, but they...
I don't think it's a simple case of measuring the total utility of one's remaining life by way of adding up the pains and pleasures one will experience. A few things on the subject to consider:
1) Pain and pleasure are relative. Pain in the present makes future pleasures more pleasurable and...
In general though, the scientific truth and 'human nature' don't come in conflict in the technical sense. There is an objective truth - and imo KFunk correctly states part of it. Another part of the objective truth is that most humans by nature, although peripherally attempt to seek the...
It's one thing to argue that terminally ill individuals, tragically and involuntarily placed in the predicament that they are in should to allowed, even assisted, to take their own life. But you can't just take the euthanasia concept to its extremes. The difference between terminally ill...
By labelling the act of discipline as abuse, you're not eliminating abuse but only increasing its occurrence by its seaping into mainstream consciousness.
It's definately worth looking into. The problem with society today is its overemphasis on individual 'rights'. The soft approach to educating youngsters merely promotes the importance of individual 'rights' in future generations. In reality, rights isn't the operative word, individual is. Most...
Law isn't so bad... Yes there are some snobs (I won't be mentioning names), but most of us try harder to appear 'normal' if you know what I mean.
Generally though, I think the demographics of USyd is a better reflection of the real world than that of UNSW. Also, USyd tends to be more liberal...
Re: Kevin Rudd is a cunt with no friends...
I don't think Howard has been or will ever be one of the most popular PM's in history because he hasn't done much in terms of delivering significant reforms or preserving some legacy (as the conservative corollary of reform). He will certainly...
Japan is a financial powerhouse and Indonesia has a large population. Okay that's great, but how many native Australians need to be able to actually speak Japanese or Indonesia in order for us to benefit from the financial significance of Japan or the population significance of Indonesia...
Same here.
I don't find notes all that special though, as you can get them from practically anywhere. After obtaining unnecessarily comprehensive sets of notes from all over the world you still need to digest the content. After doing that you still need to solve practise problems.
The Graduate (Simon & Garfunkel)
8 1/2, La Strada, La Dolce Vita etc. (Nino Rota)
Taxi Driver
Blade Runner (Vangelis)
In The Mood for Love
Vanilla Sky
Cruel Intentions :o
Blue Velvet
I don't like the fact that the 'right to life' argument automatically assumes centre stage even when the subject matter is a dire situation such as this; but in the case of another type of emergency where an accident victim refuses a life saving blood transfusion on 'religious grounds', the...
Where have I said that?
Other people decide your fate and the fate of your properties all the time. Modern society is about interdependency and nothing can be achieved without it. It is about whether, at the fundamental level, you confer onto others that discretion in return for some benefit...
Furniture production is not a natural monopoly, whereas basic postal service is. As you know, monopoly yields inefficient output levels when profit is maximised. That can be overcome by a government whose aim is not to maximise profit but to maximise the returns to the Australian people (the...