I am having trouble answer the following questions: if anyone can help me that would be greatly appreciated.
http://i41.tinypic.com/24zk3ew.png (Q14 only)
http://i41.tinypic.com/2d2bu40.png (question 12)
the book has answers, but no worked solutions. If anyone wants to revise by...
i am having trouble with this concept in general because instead of differentiating to find dy/dx then equating to zero (then solving normally), the answer in the book draw the graph instead and look on the max and min points on there. Why do they do this?
i.e this question.
between 5am...
I keep stumbling on trig curves where i am asked to find the area between 2 curves e.g sinx and -cosx between 2 certain points. In the solutions they always subtract one curve from the other. How do you know which one to subtract from the other to find the area shaded, there is nothing in my...
I.e the book says once an iron object is retrieved from a site it is stored in a NaOH 2%w/v solution. The reason is that "the metal surface is passivated". What exactly does this mean and how does it occur?
I have a couple of questions if anyone can assist that would be heaps appreciated.
a) A particle has a constant acceleration of 12m/s. if the particle has a velocity of 2 ms and is 3m from the origin after 5s, find it's displacement after 10s
b) A projectile is accelerating at a constant...
How do you do all of question 5 c.
i am stuck and there are no solutions available.
thanks. don't mind the scribbling it's just some ideas i had, it is not the correct way of working out the answer.
search for better health questions.
These are higher order questions (not in the book) that i thought about while making my notes.
1. Why can some infectious diseases such as HIV and malaria not be treated effectively by vaccination schemes.
2. The book talks about developing antibiotic...
Louis pasteur and Koch collectively came up with the conclusion that a particular microorganism causes a disease. They called this the germ theory.
However, what does spontanous generation say about how disease is inherited/come about? All the textbook states is that micro-organisms do not...
what is the difference between the two, don't they both measure the total amount of dissolved solids? Except for TDS you first filter to remove suspended solids.
also can someone explain the term suspended solids, and dissolved solids. I had a question which asked to calculate the turbidity...
personally i don't mind it, but it's so hard to navigate around. I'm not use to it :(
Also i am having trouble accessing resources, it always redirects back to the "log in" page even when i am logged in. Anyone experiencing other problems?
question 10 part ii)
i just don't seem to get the right answer, probably because my differentiation has become quite a bit pitchy over the last year.
Exactly how much detail are you supposed to know about AAS for hsc chem.
I had a look at conquering chemistry and the types of questions are on calculations which are difficult. However, i have yet to see a hsc exam with very difficult calculations involving AAS.
How does:
1. e^20k = 2 equal
20k = ln2
what is the working in between?
2. also what is e^x = 0
3. and another one, how would you solve e^x = 20
i.e what is x?
4. Also how to solve 2^x
thank you so much for your time.
how do you answer b?
please show full working. i am stuck.
I was looking at this course as a possibly pathway. Can anyone give me an idea of what the degree encompasses and the job prospects? Also, how could i get into this course if i acheive between 90-92 and the course requires around 96. (Through uni, and also nothing inter-state)