I completed the HSC last year, 2010, got offered a B Business at Newcastle Uni, but now would like to pick up Commerce and do the combined Business and Commerce degree. I need to apply for this via UAC so I can try and get accepted through Mid-Year intake (of which the above degrees are...
Was wondering if anyone from UON could answer a few questions I need to know urgently!!
I am interested in doing the B Business B Commerce double degree, my ATAR was 80 so I fell just short of the required ATAR for the double degree. However I do qualify for 4 bonus points as I got between an...
I currently am in a big electro phase at the moment and have been listening to the sounds of Uffie, Little Boots as well as our own Bag Raiders and Miami Horror.
So....need some suggestions (please don't suggest the obvious ones), to narrow it down a bit, I'm specifically wanting something...
I'd never heard them before but when I heard them through a friend the sounds made me nostalgic of my game boy days....
Its not the kinda music I generally listen to and so was wondering if anyone knows of other artists/bands/projects similar to Crystal Castles sound I could check out, please...
I have waited so long for "Down The Way" and finally am now listening to it...so far so good its definitly going to get a good work out in my car.
What do you guys think? Is Angus's voice getting too 'woosy'? (as my dad seems to think)
Unfortunately last week at the 2nd Sydney BDO I missed The Middle East which I REALLY wanted to see. Did anyone see them at any of the BDO's ( I think they were only playing at the east coast shows)? Or will anyone be seeing them at the St. Jerome's Laneway festival?
I am using a projection for part my bow and it is going to be a slide of pictures, the thing is my specialty is NOT photography and I don't have a good professional camera, my art teacher said i should contact a professional photographer to take the photos. The question I have for this is how do...