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  1. dux&src

    Sacked female teacher raped two boys

    Sacked female teacher raped two boys | The Daily Telegraph Sacked female teacher raped two boys | The Daily Telegraph hmmm only in america ?
  2. dux&src

    baby born with 2 'things' ...weirddd!!!

    Baby born with two penises in Russia - Telegraph The more, the merrier the first one had surgery to make two into one. the second story ...his other ''thing'' is on his back! weird !! ewww
  3. dux&src

    imagine having your eyes glow in the dark now imagine being able to READ in the DARK!

    Cat boy stuns doctors in China after Nong Youhui is able to see in pitch black with blue eyes that glow in the dark | The Sun |News
  4. dux&src

    If you think your job is bad, spare a thought for these people ...

    Is this the worst job in the world? - Telegraph
  5. dux&src

    10'ers post your handwriting =)

    Lets share our handwriting. :o
  6. dux&src

    HSC students beware...

    New speed limits to police HSC 'rorts' |
  7. dux&src

    are we behind?

    in english we have just started ..somethings on "Identity" In maths we have done: algebra, surds, basic arithmetic, and have started solving quadratic equations (by factoring, completing the square and the quadratic formula). In physics we are learning how to plot waves...???? :confused: i...
  8. dux&src

    Anyone else doing 15 units ??

    So who else is doing 15 units for year 11? How did you find the workload? What was it like? Also year 12 students who have completed 15 units in year 11.. what was it like? Why did you do 15 units? Thanks, just interested in what other people think.
  9. dux&src

    Yes we can

    It's not long till valentines day.. only 3 weeks away.. To those who think given the current economic situation spoiling our partner is not on the list .. think again.. yes we can spoil our partners.. because you'll be doing a thing for the economy and most importantly
  10. dux&src

    not getting the SC and repeating

    i'm asking a question on behalf of my friend who will see this thread but my friend doesn't have an account. what happens to my friend if this was to happen band 1 history band 1 geography band 2 english band 1 science band 1 maths failing most of their exams will my friend still get a...
  11. dux&src

    Are u ready for it..

    The SC is coming up really soon. Are you ready for it? let's have a study thread here like the seniors. i'll ask a question to do with any of the SC subjects and someone answers it, then post their own question. i think i'll ask a science question :D. How many neutrons does Carbon-14...
  12. dux&src

    who else dislikes money bill williams ?
  13. dux&src

    When given an assignment that requires researching....

    what source of information do you tend to go for first? Is there a reason for doing so? e.g. books, the internet etc Discuss.
  14. dux&src

    Is there a song that reminds you of..

    an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend? There is one particular song which pains me heaps. Everytime i hear the song "Apologize by One Republic" it reminds me of my ex (we were together for 3 months). It brings back strong, vivid memories at the beach, movies etc :( Anyone else have a song that...
  15. dux&src

    speech estimation

    How many words do you think will be needed to produce a 3-4 minute speech? Is it about 200-300 words? need some estimations, or tips.
  16. dux&src

    Charles Perkins

    Does anyone remember anything about Charles Perkins? What was this guy's impact on post-war Australia?
  17. dux&src

    Assessing an individual

    I need a bit of help finding the key points of Charles Perkins impact on post-war Australia. I need both good and bad points to write about, because i have information overload here and want enough points for a 3-4 minute speech. please guys, just one or two points to help get me started...
  18. dux&src

    School certificate exams

    School certificate exams. Anyone begun studying for them yet? I have begun studying for them systematically and intensively for the last 5 weeks now and plan to do so untill the SC external exams. When will you guys begin to study for them? and how many hours will you put in? Don't ask me...
  19. dux&src

    yet another thread about subjects

    Okay, i need opinions on these subjects. adv.eng ext.eng maths extension maths Chemistry biology physics total =12 UNITS OR adv. eng maths ext.maths chemistry biology physics economics/modern history Total =13 units and one more question, which subjects do you think require the most oral...