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  1. imoO

    Trial Studying

    With trials approaching fast, how will you alll study for them? Share your ideas here. Personally, I will be practicing typical long response questions, and get my hands on some SA and MC questions...
  2. imoO

    Need help with assignment

    Hey guys, I have an assessment coming up and the question is: Analyse the role and impact of the 09-10 budget and fiscal policy on the Australian economy. I need help with anything that has to do with external stability. I focused on three parts: economic growth, internal stability and...
  3. imoO

    Quick Question about doing past papers

    Hi guys, I've got a quick questions about doing past papers for revision. I have a shitload on my PC, but where do you reckon I can print them all out for cheap? My school charges 10c per page, and thats like 100 bux maybe more, each subject if I printed out all the pages for each subject...
  4. imoO

    Trig Fn Qn.

    Two circles of radii 3cm and 4cm have their centers 5cm apart. Calculate the area common to both circles. There's also a diagram, but I can't scan it coz I dun have a scanner. sorry.
  5. imoO

    Half Yearly Check-Up

    Hi all, I'm in need of an UAI estimate.... English Adv. 58/131 Chemistry. 27/69 Mathematics. 16/84 Maths Ext. 1 20/38 Physics 2/65 Economics 13/41 SCHOOL RANKING 179th :( Thanks!
  6. imoO

    A few Inverse questions

    Hey guys, I'm having trouble working these few questions out: sin^-1(2sin(-pi/6)) = tan^-1(3tan(7pi/6)) = sin^-1 = tan^-1 (x/sqrt (1-x^2)) Sorry if my notation is no good. They are all questions from the Cambridge 3-U yr 12 textbook. Secondly, I have a few questions from past papers. if...
  7. imoO

    Q- Application of calc to phys world.

    Could someone explain to me how to do questions 9 and 10, or Ex 19(c) in the two unit fitzpatrick book? I'm not sure how to separate the acceleration and velocity :S Thanks in advanced.
  8. imoO

    Further Binomial Question that I can't do

    Hi guys, I was wondering if anybody could help me on this question: <link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:%5CUsers%5CIvan%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"><link rel="themeData"...
  9. imoO

    Copy of Peter Skrzynecki poems?

    Hi everyone, I know it's weird to ask for them now, but my school does my English modules out of order, and our next module is belonging. I've searched everywhere for these 7 poems, and I've only managed to find study guides or notes on them, but what I really want are the poems!!! If anybody...
  10. imoO

    Need help with dotpoint 4.1.4

    Hi guys, I need help with the dotpoint Explain why voltage transformations are related to conservation of energy I do not think we covered this in class, so any help would be appreciated. Cheers
  11. imoO

    UAI Approx - Mid Term

    Well well....we are halfway there 09ers.... Anyway...I'd like somebody to give me some approximations..My schools ranked 168th in 07, 180ish in 08....but I think we are a pretty good year....not sure.. Subject, Mark - Rank English Adv. top 20-30 out of 90 Economics - 2nd/40ish Maths - Task...
  12. imoO

    Frank/BR Assessment Task Help Needed

    Hey guys, I have a speech assessment task that is coming up in weeks 10 and 11. I am having trouble coming up with a overarching thesis in which I can cover all six of my questions. I have copy n pasted my assessment task and what I have done so far. Any help is appreciated, SPEAKING TASK...
  13. imoO

    Writing notes on Column 2 dotpoitns of syllabus

    Hi guys, This doesn't apply to all syllabi, but I was wondering whether it is a good idea to write notes on things such as "Solve problems using <insert formulae here>. All that column 2 stuff in the syllabus. I know some, such as the experimental ones in Phys and Chem need notes, but what...
  14. imoO

    Post Prac-Exam Query

    Hey guys, I was wondering if I got this correct for the calculation of the enthalpy of combustion of ethanol. Mass of ethanol used 0.6g Temperature change 21.5 From my calculations, I got like 8xxx kJ/ seemed quite large to me. Can anybody clarify this? Cheers,
  15. imoO

    Simple n Quick Question - Electronic Configuration (Chemistry)

    Hey, Just brushing up on some old chem work.. I've read many different editions of the electrical configuration, but I'm not quite sure which one is it... I was almost certain that it was 2-8-8-18-18 Until I saw somewhere else it was 2-6-10 or something...can't remember exactly. I just...
  16. imoO

    English Preliminaries - Journeys

    Hi everyone, I'm doing a module on 'Journeys' for my prelim exams, and I've got 3 texts, some poems, 'The Corpses' Bride' and also I 'elected' to do the book 'Eldest' by Chris Paolini. Is this a good choice? I'm struggling to find any sense of journey in it besides the physical overcoming of...
  17. imoO

    Preliminary Past Papers

    Hi everybody, You may know me as the dude who's incompetent at writing a school captain speech here: Anyway...I've come again to ask for help (It's the only thing I ever ask for I've been browsing the...
  18. imoO

    Help with UAI/HSC

    Hey guys/gals, I was just wondering about the HSC reeling in towards me so quickly, I mean....year 11 is really fast...we're in our last term already. Anyways, I was just wondering, If I did very well in my assessment tasks at school, say about 85%+ in all of them, and ranked pretty well, say...
  19. imoO

    Help - Mark my speech!

    Hi everyone...yes lol...I do have a physics thing up I need help with as well...dunno if I'm considered Anyway...I have a 40 minute in-class speech I HAVE TO WRITE and I just need some help. This is the question - 'You have created an exhibition of the texts entitled 'Explorations...
  20. imoO

    Help - Physics Moving About

    Hey there everybody, I need help in finding some statistics that I can't find ANYWHERE!!! Or maybe I'm just a bad searcher. I need to know what - %age of cars have crumple zones, and - %age of drivers and passengers that are killed in crashes when not wearing a seat belt - %age of...