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  1. townie

    Mock HSC Exam

    I made this for sum guys in my class, and thought i'd share it here, it's a mock HSC paper i did myself. lol, sorry, but havent done answers yet. the essay questions are just Workplace & World Order, but the essay questions are always uniform, anyway, so just change workplace to family, or...
  2. townie

    Loan Repayments

    My maths teacher reckons there will be a harder 2U loan repayments question on the test 2morow, because there wasnt one on the 2U paper (apparantly) just thought i'd share that thought
  3. townie

    Wat do u expect to get

    I asked this in 4U, so i thought i'd ask it here. Wat do u expect to get in the exam (as a %) Personally, i'm hoping for >90
  4. townie

    So what do you expect to get?

    So what does everybody think they will get, at as %?
  5. townie

    Speeches - Wat will they specify

    So, what do u guys think they will specify, do u think they will specify at all?
  6. townie

    SPEECHES of the world....UNITE

    ATTENTION: Students doing speeches We need to pool our resources on speeches. We are at the mercy of people doing King Lear, who have Vast resources. so we need to pull together and help each other out. I will start by posting my notes...which arent great, but better than nothing...
  7. townie

    Reception in different contexts

    For module B, wat exactly does it mean when we have to look at reception in different contexts. Does anybody have any websites that looks at that, because i'm having a tough time doing it for speeches (the most awful text to do). Any ideas, all the stuff i've found is waaaay to in depth, i want...
  8. townie

    Proofs we should know/understand?

    What proofs do you reckon we should know off by heart for the HSC, or at least have a good knowledge of. The only ones i can think of are - the tangent/secant proof PQ^2=QR.QS - d(0.5v^2)/dx=dv/dt - all the parabola one's (although i suppose they're not proofs, rather derrivations)...
  9. townie

    Plot as a technique - Help!!

    Okay, this one has been bothering me for ages, in English we always crap on about metaphors and what not, but in a book for instance, can the actual plot line be a technique, if the plot obviously deals with a particular thing (for instance journeys), and if so what is that "technique" called, i...
  10. townie

    Graduation Songs

    What are some good songs to like Graduate to I thought of Time of Your Life by Greenday any other ideas?
  11. townie

    Creative Writing - ideas

    So, does anybody have any ideas for the creative writing section, because i failed miserably (only 8/15) i talked about teen angst, but i just cant think of anything else to write about, any ideas?
  12. townie

    CSSA Trial - thoughts/comments

    What did every1 think of the Catholic Trial for Legal, i thought the crime question was really weird. the rest was okay i suppose, had a bit of trouble for World order
  13. townie

    So, who's ready for trials

    So, who's ready for the CSSA trial 2morow. I've got no idea what it will be like i havent seen a Legal Studies trial before, only HSC papers, :(
  14. townie

    Speeches - HELP!

    Does anybody know where I can get info. on different "readings" of the speeches, it's the part i'm having the most problems with.
  15. townie

    Trials - Lets Help Each Other Out

    As this seems to be the first year of Journeys, wouldnt we all benifit by sharing questions we got on our Trial/Half Yearly about Journeys. I've got my CSSA Trial on Monday and will be posting the question straight away (if I can remember it), but untill then, anyone thats done a Trial/Half...