Would doing a Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Arts create an immense amount of work, especially during exam and assignment periods? Or would it depend on the electives chosen?
For an 18 year old who has injured them self in another state, can the parents of the person view or gain access to the medical record of that particular injury?
I'm probably still a little drunk from last night, nevertheless I'm serious about it.
I've liked this girl for a couple of months, I go on her facebook and look at everything once a day, even though I'm not her friend I do have mutual friends. She lives in a completely different area of Sydney...
Is is quite difficult to transfer from uni's like ACU and UWS to B of Arts at MacQ in the first semester, compared to the second? or will you need a distinction average or something?
In my creative writing I was going to have flashbacks throughout the piece. Say for example, its this girls first day of school - as she walks through the playground she has flashbacks to breakfast of that morning when she was speaking to her father.
1st paragraph = entering gates
2nd paragraph...
Is it possible to be caught for plagiarism if you took a short story off the internet? Even if you changed it around?
I ask this, due to my teacher explaining that markers can always tell when something is plagiarised, however they are not able to do anything about it.
I understand the reason for their protest, but this once again shows how one of Australia's most famous landmarks can be so easily 'broken into'.
what kind of fucking security is this?
School rank: Late 90's
Subject: Rank / Trial result
English standard: 28/91 / 58%
Studies of Religion: 56/103 / 66%
Business Studies: 37/51 / 54%
Modern History: 27/40 / 55%
Ancient History: 19/29 / 57%
General Maths: 82/90 / 28%
Is there a good...
What's the difference between say B of Economics and B of Arts - major in Economics?
Are these practically the same, except the B of Economics is more in depth?
I'm not to sure if many others are doing this, but I was going to find a friend for each subject and share the workload in preparation for each subjects' exam.
Eg. for English - I'm going to do a plan for the 'into the world' essay, while they will do a plan for the 'distinctively visual'...
This is truly appalling.
Has political correctness gone too far? Are we on our way to a censored society?
Is it correct to create planned responses for each essay question in the HSC?
I did it for trials and it worked quite well as it is easy to predict the questions to a varying degree.However my teachers, especially my modern and ancient teachers warned against it. I'm only worried about doing...
School = Late 90's
Modern history = 27 / 40
Ancient history = 19 / 29
General maths = 82 / 90
English standard = 28 / 91
Studies of religion 1 = 56 / 103
Business Studies = 37 / 51
Sounds like some rich over emotional idiot. Also, why would the authorities take her seriously, actually believing she has a legit bomb.
Some 29 year old fuckwit, had a girl when he was 15, now that girl is 14 and has just had a baby. Honestly?