you can cancel and submit a new CAF on estudent, but i'm not sure whether that's the best option so hopefully one of the older students can confirm/provide more info :)
yeah labour needs to get their act together
they've been in power for too long in nsw
some conservatism might do us some good
i'll still vote for the greens though, but hopefully some form of non-labour coalition will win
no but i'm not talking about russia compared to other countries in terms of it's industrialisation, i'm talking about self improvement. it went from crippled agrarian shit hole to WWII winner
yes the economy stagnated come 1970 (even earlier actually) - all these problems are linked directly to...
yes but even a "modest growth" of 5% was very significant jump particularly considering russia's crippled state post-WWI.
they didn't just appear to industralise, they actually did industrialise and rapidly. the problem was that the soviet economy grew too rapidly and then when it was met with...
crime and punishment... but that's purely because of the terrible translation
reading it felt like grating my brain
hopefully one day i'm fluent enough in russian that i won't have it experience it through a terrible translation
actually stalin's central planning was very effective. it allowed him to create a police state and industrialise a country 100yrs behind within the decade. how the USSR industrialised was, however, ineffective, but stalin's leadership definitely wasn't ineffective
that's your "clarification"... so central planning is impossible because ration economic calculation is impossible?
whatever you said made no sense other than "central planning is impossible because." either way you still said it was impossible
this is a fruitless argument anyway
instead why...
oh silly me, yes clearly i wouldn't realise that songs from a greatest hits album would be taken from several previous albums... gosh darn it i can't believe i missed that
you're a noob, they're all the popular songs, if you really knew rhcp you'd know how great some of the lesser known songs...
boris: haha okay, how about i'm a left wing person that is okay with right wing ideals... if that makes it clearer?
sdent40: have you actually even read the theory?
you should also know that the stalinist state was centrally planned, so no it's not impossible
i'll be the first to admit that...
hmm liberalism is running pretty high at the moment, i say rudd will win next election but will do something after which will make voters run to the conservatives
hopefully i will live in another state/country before the next election so i won't have to vote.....
unlikely though with 5 years of uni =\
hahah Progessive you're cool