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    Significant figures for pH and concentration??

    can someone give me a crash course on ph and concentration?? like is it decimal places for ph and then significant figures for concentration??
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    Raw mark of about 80-85 scaling to??

    anyone know?
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    reaction b/t SO2 and NaOH

    ok, after looking at the solutions i figured it out, but what is the general rule with the reaction between an acidic oxide and a base?
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    Chem question

    In order to determine the sulfate content of a commercial lawn-food, a student dissolves a 4.58 g sample of the lawn-food, adds excess BaCl2(aq), filters the mixture, and finally washes and dries the residue. After drying, the residue had a mass of 7.95g. What is the % sulfate in the lawnfood...
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    Raw mark of 90 scaling to??

  6. B

    Last minute short answers for everyone!

    1) Outline recent trends in Australia's net foreign liabilities (2 marks) 2) Explain the relationship between net foreign liabilities and the balance of payments (3) 3) Distinguish between debt and equity as a method of financing Australia's CAD. (3)
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    Diagrams for short answers???

    I know for science we are encouraged to draw diagrams but in eco is it suitable to draw a mini diagram, for e.g. like a explain the short term relationship between inflation and unemployment?
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    Actuarial Studies

    Whats the course like?? And would double degree should i do with this? I'm guessing Commerce/Advanced maths?
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    Actuarial Studies

    So what's the course like, tough? Should I do a double degree or just a single degree? Any help would be greatly appreciated,,.....
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    Is it poly-3-hydroxybutanoate or poly-3-hydroxybutyrate??
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    Is it poly-3-hydroBUTANOATE or poly-3-hydroxyBUTYRATE?, i think ive seen different ones everywhere....
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    Anyone got any eco trial papers??

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    What courses do 99.95s do??

    Ok other than obvious ones like medicine and law, are there are any other courses these guys do??
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    Actuarial Studies...

    So what's the course like, starting salary and employment opportunities in the future?? Which uni out of macquarie or unsw is the better choice??
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    Anyone have SBHS 2006 and 2007 solutions?

    would appreciate it, if anyone can upload them! :) cheers
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    Watch into the exam room?

    I want to keep time by using the stopwatch feature?? allowed or not alloweD?
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    9 boxes??, but our student number is only 8 numbers

    For the HSC why is there 9 boxes for the student number?, isn't our student number just 8 numbers?
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    Difference between fiscal balance and CAD??

    this has really got me confused...
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    Economics Marathon

    Physics, and chem have got it - so we have to start it off as well Hopefully, we can see this through until eco HSC! QUESTION 1:...........Explain the relationship between the current account balance and the net foreign liabilities