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  1. M

    Im Having Trouble Studying

    Does anyone know of any kind of food that is really filling? Everytime i try studying i get hungry like every 45 mins or so and my stomach hurts so much that i just cant concentrate. Its so damn frustrating because I have to waste time eating so much food like every hour and Im a slow eater so...
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    Hello. I'm not very good at curve sketching and I was hoping someone could explain to me why some curves cut their horizontal asymptotes?
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    Multiple Choice Question

    The ABS collects information which shows patterns of disease and illness in the Australian community. Which of the following info could not be used to establish the determinants of a disease or illness? a) Injury incidence, deaths, socioeconomic status, births b) Socioeconomic status, injury...
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    Worked Solutions for 1999-2005 HSC

    Does anyone have worked solutions for these 6 HSC exams?
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    Inverse function question Could someone explain to me how to do question 5b. Its on inverse functions
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    Worked Solutions for 2010 HSC

    Does anyone have the worked solutions for the 2010 HSC paper for maths ext 1
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    Multiple Choice Question

    Which of the following areas will not be influenced by monetary policy? a) Unemployment b) Economic growth c) Wage Levels d) Labour Productivity I assume the answer is labour productivity but are wage levels influenced by monetary policy? I thought wage levels just influence the RBA's decisions...
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    State Rank

    How is it possible to get a state rank if you dont rank 1st in your internals?? I dont understand how 5 girls from cheltenhem state ranked last year for aboriginal studies?? Where they the only people who did Aboriginal studies or did they all get full marks on their external exam??
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    Economics Question

    What is the equilibrium level of income if C=150 +0.8Y and I = 50? Can someone explain to me how to do this question
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    Where Can I Buy 1000 sparklers?

    Does anyone know where i could buy 1000 sparklers for the cheapest price possible? like a wholesale place or something?
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    How to Write Faster?

    obviously time is of the essence in the hsc so does anyone have any tips they could share on how to improve your writing speed? Like a specific pen?
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    Shoulder Impingement

    Hey guys, ive had shoulder impingement for quite a while because for some reason the exercises my physio has given me dont seem to work. I was wondering if anyone knows of any exercises that i could do that would help me get rid of my shoulder impingement My physio said i needed to also work...
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    Economics Multiple Choice Questions

    Which of the following best describes the impact of an increase in Australia's national savings a) There will be an increased reliance on foreign borrowing b) There will be a decreased reliance on foreign borrowing c) The impact on foreign borrowings will depend on the capital adequacy...
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    ATAR estimate

    I go to james ruse these are my rankings 10/150 for maths ext 1 30/100 maths ext 2 80/110 physics 30/110 economics 80/180 english advanced
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    Why must we learn English?!?!

    Why is it just not good enough to speak the language...why do we have to write essays blah blah blah be all analytical blah blah do all this hocus pocus that we wont even use later on in life. I mean who writes essays after they leave school? The subject english is a waste of time and the only...
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    Circular Motion in a Horizontal Plane

    Could someone explain how to do this question to me A particle of mass 0.25 kg is attached to one end of a light inextensible string of length 0.5m. The other end is fixed to a point A on a smooth horizontal table. The particle is set in motion in a circular path. a) If the speed of the...
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    Terms of Trade

    If the terms of trade were to deteriorate (import prices rising faster than export prices) would i be correct in saying the balance on goods and services would improve as imports now are more expensive and less attractive? Also a multiple choice question I was having trouble with Which of the...
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    Economics Short Answer Question

    Question 21 (10 marks) The table shows Consumer Price Index (CPI) data by expenditure group for an economy. Expenditure Group Weighting factor in CPI (%) CPI by expenditure group Food 15 120 Housing...
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    Economics Multiple Choice Question

    What would be the most likely effect of the RBA purchasing gov't securitires a) A decrease in liquidity and a decrease in interest rates b) An increase in liquidity and a decrease in interest rates c) A decrease in liquidity and an increase in interest rates d) An increase in liquidity and...
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    I need two History and Memory related texts (short film/poem)

    could anyone recommend me a short film and a poem to do for history and memory. I dont really know understand the module so finding a related text is kinda hard