So some of the other uni forums have results threads so thought i'd start one! Hope everyone is pleased with their results, and doesn't have to repeat anything. Can just use this thread to discuss - don't have to post results if you don't wish.
I'm really pleased with mine! Went a lot better...
Results are not officially released for almost a week but as you might know by now it is often possible to figure out your GPA and how many credit points you have accumulated early and thus in a way find out your grades early. Go to My Student Admin, click on the Results section and choose your...
This is for UTS but i'm sure others will be able to answer. I'm sorry if i have the terms and stuff mixed up. Basically i was already automatically allocated to some things, and selected two times earlier and am now finishing my first semester time table - it seems that one subject that I will...
Haven't seen a thread for raw marks around yet and since i got mine back just then thought i may as well start one. If anyone else has gotten them back or applied for them, post them here if you don't mind sharing.
In Physics my HSC exam mark was 80 and my raw mark was 64/100, so as predicted...
I have been offered early entry into Engineering/Business at UTS but my ATAR + bonus points may be able to get me into UNSW for Software Engineering/Commerce during the later rounds. At UTS i'd probably major in ICT and specialise in software. Im leaning towards just forgetting about UNSW and...
Is there anyway i can make the attached images appear in my thread instead of as links?
I had them on imageshack at first but it didn't like the size of them.
Anyone have any idea how software will align this year? Was the test harder or easier compared to 2003, 2004 and/or 2007 which we have raw mark data on? Any idea on the band 6 cutoff, raw mark needed for 95? Maybe for others who could be reading band 5 cutoff?
I don't want you all criticising my answers and potentially destroying my confidence haha but no one else made a multiple choice thread so i'll just do it:
10.C (In retrospect it is probably B)
13.C (idk about this, seemed most correct)
Just wondering if people have any idea what kind of raw mark you might have needed in that test to get say band 4? In a thread i posted a few weeks ago people seemed to think that passing the test would be enough for a band 4. This test was a bit easier than some previous papers but that would...
I want to do something with computers at uni, im thinking of becoming a systems analyst or something in that field at first but eventually id like to get into ebusiness and probably start my own kind of business. My maths isnt strong (barely passing/just failing 2 unit maths, but havent put in a...
I know there are subject sections but they seem to be kind of dead so im asking here. Just wondering at your schools what kind of marks are needed to be rank 1 - particularly at selective schools. Im rank 1 by a bit at my school (neither selective or private) but im not sure where that puts me...
So the band 6 cutoffs with those subjects for a few years are pretty well known but what are the band 5 cut offs for them, i presume its not just 10 marks lower and the aligning might even be better (relatively) for band 5 then it is with band 6?
Just wondering if anyone knows what kind of raw mark you would need for a band 4 in mathematics?
Band 4 as in 70 i guess, im not going too well in maths and wasnt really motivated at all to put in effort when it was obvious it wouldnt be in my top 10 after the first assesment tasks but im...
Im posting this in general because there are basically 3 faculties im asking about haha, ive heard before that with UNSW's combined courses such as Commerce/Science, Engineering/Commerce the ATAR cutoffs are sometimes lower then what they publish. I really want to do either comp engineering or...
I'd really like to go to UNSW for combined Commerce and computer engineering (or computer science) but the atar even with bonus marks might be a bit out of my reach (91 if i can get all bonus marks and im looking at mid 80s i guess). First question is does the commerce/computer science course...
Just wondering if there is a list for all cutoffs somewhere?
Im interested in the cutoffs for:
Band 6 in Software Design and Development
Band 4 in Mathematics
Band 5 and/or 6 in Advanced English, Physics, Chem and Economics.