We can start writing what we'd like to achieve these holidays. See each others and motivate each other, and cross them off as the holidays goes on:)
I haven't worked out what my goals for the holidays are, I'll probably work it out in my double free on thurs and post them up here. There will be...
I feel behind as I haven't really written much of my major. 8000 words short story is suprisingly so long! So help me get into gear and tell me how much you've done.
Never in a million years did I think my application would get me accepted :D
I am so pumped and going to be working so hard to be on top of my study for when I go!!!
I just had to share my excitement with you guys!!!
So I have an in class essay coming up soon about Sylvia Plath and After the Bomb. I don't have a specific Q because I assume they don't want people to memorize/regurgitate an essay.
But I'm at a loss of how to structure it really! You see;
1) Do I focus on just select poems, or incorporate...
I apologize if there is one-I couldn't see it!
To get the ball rolling...
A ball is dropped from a height of 2.4m and bounces back up to a height of 1.8m. It then falls and bounces back up to a height of 1.35m. Everytime the ball bounces back to a height three quarters of previous time. How...
Just got mine. I don't know exactly when my offline subjects are but...
I can go in late Wed morning and leave early Fri afternoon :) Pretty sweet!
But my friends frees are so good I am tempted to switch lines heh. They have late entry Monday and Tuesday morning (as well as early exit), Thurs...
It's a short speech, so it can't be too content heavy. It's for NYSF, audience will most probably be mainly kids in my interest group and some other adult science folk. I want it to be interesting, (and I know with public speaking that's a lot to do with presentation, which should be fine cause...
:cry: :cry: :cry:
And they always leave with no chance to say goodbye or thanks. And then for next year, you're going to get the teacher that wants to axe murder you :chainsaw:
It happens all the time at all the schools, I wonder if they all the good teachers end up at the same place like...
So my school did not do so well this year :( Well a lot worse. In fact, no band sixes in some of the subjects I do :0
I'm sure not many believe in my aims, but I want to prove all the haters wrong.
I believe our 2012 cohort is stronger than the 2011, and hope to be one of the few to help...
1) Will go up
2) Stay about the same
3) Go down
Sadly for me, I think it'll be going down, maybe plummeting about 50 places :0 (May be being a little melodramatic). There were great individual results in certain subjects, but not as many band sixes as a quantity thing.
I'm anxious and excited for you guys, and all the kids from my school.
Gonna be checking these boards tomorrow guys, don't be too hard on yourselbes, go to uni and boss it up there if your ATAR is disappointing. Or alternatively, hunt down the official BOS.
Good luck from 2012 class!
I'm considering dropping His Ext.
You see the project part of it's fine I have a good idea and some early research, but I'm not really getting into doing the "What is History?" segment. It was okay at first, but I'm already bored of it. And that's essentially all of the rest of course. I mean...
The holidays are so tangibly close...yet an assessment batch away for most of us.
I have one assessment out of the way and six to go. Once this week is over I'll be down to four.
Next week I have compulsory camp and get to come back for 4 fun December assessments.
I miss our junior years...
Does anyone know of any past papers or worksheets covering the aspects of calculus of limits, primitive functions, first/second derivative differentiating, max/min problems, arithmetic and geometric progressions etc. ?
Thank you all my wonderfully maths talented BOSers!
So basically, I have a chem assignment but it's not a traditional assignment in the sense you write it and then it gets marked. It's an assignment but the assignment is making a set of notes you get handed back to you in an exam to use to answer the questions.
Anyway, I can only have one page...
A rectangular prism has a length which is twice its breadth. If the surface area is 48 cm^2, find the dimensions that will produce a maximum value.
A cylinder has a surface area of 160 cm^2, show that the volume is given by V=80r-πr³
Rep and cookies for anyone that helps the first one,not...