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  1. M

    How many quotes?

    i usually use about 1-2 historian quotes. and possibly 2-3 quotes of people actually there. not so much for germany and leni but for the pacific i use lots. remember quotes are only sposed to bak up what ur saying. they shouldnt be the basis of ur discussion. key dates help aswell
  2. M

    Section 1 - comprehnsion- answers- Discuss

    yayyyy lets hope we get that one mark then :D
  3. M

    Anyone thinks they have killed the test

    section one i did 10 pages. it was very hard by far... section 2 i did 16 pages. fitted in really really well with one of my prewritten creative pieces. section 3 i did about 18 pages. it was pretty good aswell. its def a pass. dont know about like wat i was heading for with band 6 and...
  4. M

    Alkanes and Alkenes

    the double bond ensures that once it is broken, each carbon molecule will have an unpaired electron, which will required another electron in order to form a pair. a single bond is already full therefore no more electrons can be accepted. but once that double bond breaks, more electrons can be...
  5. M


    enzymes are biological catalysts comprised of protein. they predominantly speed up reactions, making them occur at a faster rate then what the reaction would occur without the enzyme. make sense?
  6. M

    Plasma and Platelets

    platets= clotting of blood plasma= hydration of blood, passing of that liquid but it also contains platet proteins that ASSIST in blood clotting.
  7. M

    the exam was fubar

    man i know. wtf waas text 3 about? fukin hell!!!
  8. M

    Textual Integrity - King Lear

    textual integrity relates to a texts ability to fulfill the assumptions, ideologies and systematic belief systems of the audience to which the text is aimed at. FOR EXAMPLE. an elizabethan audience would assume that lears abdication would result in chaos and anarchy. therefore they would...
  9. M

    Section 1 - comprehnsion- answers- Discuss

    i ended up saying his achievement was gaining knowledge as journeys result in the atering of ones location, ultimately providing the persona undergoing the journey with new sights, perspectives and cultures. i agree. it was a very vague question.
  10. M

    some nuclear chem help :/

    basically from my knowledge. alpha particles have a short penetration ability. and half an extremely short half life lasting for only a few microseconds. they cant penetrate many things and therefore are absorbed by the simplest of objects such as paper and cardboard. alpha particles are often...
  11. M


    i ended up writing a narrative. it really suited the story i had been working on for the past year. intertwining both physical and emotional journeys together. it worked well. i ended up choosing part b because my story basically revolved around my immigrant father returning back to his home...
  12. M

    Physical Journey: Unexpected Detours

    the question was basically asking u how do physical journeys encounter barriers and unknown repercussions. so you can discuss how the results of a journey are unknown, continual, can be either positive or negative. i was really happy with it. i ended up discussing the spontaneous and...
  13. M

    Section 2

    i picked question b. it really suited my whole story. intertwining physical, emotional and imaginative journeys together. my dads a migrant so i wrote about his and my own experiences, and our trip to albania after the Kosovo war. ive been working on the story for a year so i hope it gets a good...
  14. M

    Section 1

    i agreee. probably the most difficult part of the paper. without a doubt.
  15. M

    Section 3

    yea thats average. still pretty good. i guess quality and quantity will be taken into account. i wrote 2 8 page booklets. small writing but it got a bit big towards the end. i discussed 2 skrzynecki poems. frosts the road not taken and my visual piece. i ended up talking about crossing the...
  16. M

    How to Perform Flame test?

    ok basically u get a hydrous solution of various cations. spray them into a bunsen burner flame. observe the flame color change with a labratory spectrascope. ur results should be: calcium- red copper- blue/green strontium- red barium- green sodium- yello potassium- purple.
  17. M

    Would you..?

    no. everything happens for a reason.
  18. M

    What have you eaten today?

    um me? hm - smoothee consisting of banana, skim milk and berries. - tuna salad sandwhich.. - dinner is to come :D
  19. M

    HSC Advice Line

    no i didnt. :(
  20. M


    in regards to the whole "i wont be able to fit in anything" i doubt that severly. in regards to my weight situation ive lost a little. but not through stress. ive decided from the 6 week point before HSC onwards that i would be on a healthy diet and go for walks/runs around my street everyday...