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  1. M

    2007 NRL Thread

    I think the roosters can pick it up next year. Now that fitler is coaching them :D
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    Re: Fav Fragrence Girls- Jadore, Gucci Rush, Paris Hilton, and Vera Wang "Princess". Guys- JOOP. JOOP JUMP. JOOP...... :P (can u tell im absolutely crazy over it?) But i guess any p[e]rfume is long as you dont smell like B.O hahahah :D
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    The First Kiss

    Re: First kiss no not really. i mean i liked him and all. but i knew that it wouldnt last. maybe i kinda lead him on? but i guess it was oright.
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    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    i hate the chicks that are like "ewwwwwww im so ugly" when they know they arent. they just want you to say "dont be silly ur gorgeous" but i hate that boys that are like "babiii ur so fukin hot lets hook up". ONE word of advice boys. ur not gonna get much with that attitude.
  5. M

    I am being serious for once.

    i dont think in any relationshiop i have ever said "I love you". at this age can we really experience "love"? well i disagree. i think its all lust at this point. im just having a good old time :D. i could care less about this so called "love" at this point in time.
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    creative writing advice?!

    well doing it on a historical event is a good idea. but something like WWI etc. is too overdone so try to find some war that not many people have heard about.
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    the 'im screwed for modern' thread

    not so much with modern....yes im a nerd...ahaha but i can relate with other topics such as CHEMISTRY :(
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    Doesnt it just pee you off......

    WHEN u get 1-3 marks off a band 6. not just in 1 subject. in effin 3 subjects. I got 89% in bio. 88% in modern and 87% in english....GRRR :( just wanted to know ur thoughts :D . xoxo
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    2 trials in one day

    UR LUCKY. i HAD 2 trial exams. both worth 30% each on the same day. If ur rankings are similar then i would study equally for them both.
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    I thought it was really good. the way J.K Rowling has written the book is fantastic. I think when dobby died was probly one of the sadest bits,. and when tonks and lupin die as well. But i mean comeon we ALL knew Ron and Hermione would go out in the end. It was sorta sad when george died though...
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    why do you wear heels?

    I Second that motion....i love heels. :D
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    The World of Pick-Up Line

    is ur dad a mechanic.? cause ur a machine!!
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    HELP relationship dillemas :(

    c thats wat i mean :(
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    HELP relationship dillemas :(

    ohk so like after seeing this guy for like ages he asked me out and it went heaps good. then nothing! no phone call no nothing for like 2 months. so i thought "fine fuk him he was a prick aniways" then outta the blue he messages me "hey babe how r u going. i missed u". my theory is that he was...
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    the HSC is not your life!!!

    \ right on. i find im becomming really anti social and stuff now :(
  16. M

    Personalised plates

    Best onez ive seen are [MISSTZ] [4PERVZ] [YH8ME4] [DRM ON] [OOOFFT] [OMGWTF] [YBJLOS] [QUP2CY]
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    What do you guys think of Mitsubishi FTO's?

    i see u like supras! ahah
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    Shamefulll :(

    yes as the sarcasim has shown....its a combination of both.
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    Prince William for Governor-General of Australia?

    i think he would make a good govenor general person type thingie :D
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    crying during/after sex

    woahhh thats some wierd shyt.