I efffin love supras!!! THEY ARE SOOO HOT. even if insurance costs like forever, jussssssssssssssst get it cause yu'll get soooooo much attention, specially from girls if yur a guy ;)
In a guy i must sayyy :
- i dont like them swearing spitting smoking etc.etc.
- i dont like them rocking up in mullets n everlast parachute pants every day
and thats about it.
God i always think of that. YES they are a distraction and they annoy the fuk out of me cause my boyfriend wants to talk late at night eventhough i have like exams tha nextt day. But then again when its 1am in tha morning and i stress out i can ring him up balling my eyes out and he somehow...
I think not. Waste of time. Waste of money. Waste of energy. I reckon if yur that unhappy with yur weight diet pills dont work. Just go to the gym 2wice a week, lay off tha maccas and eat healthily. Yu will seriously feel better ;)
Biology --> 88%, ranked 1st
Maths general --> 70%, ranked 2nd
English advanced --> 82% ranked equal first
English extension --> 84%, ranked 1st
Modern history --> 85%, ranked 2nd
that was it. I thought i did ok. could improve but hey i work 6 nights a week so i think im doing pretty...
Just be yurself. Tell her she is pretty. she looks good in what she is wearing. yu like tha same music as her....same tv shows. hate the same things. then just casually be like "oh btw i have 2 tickets to the such and such concert"
whatever yu do. DO NOT. i repeat DO NOT .sayy the following...
I would agree with the question and say yu do support him. Simply because yu could then discuss:
the falling of germanys economy and reputation and how supporting hitler would restore it.
depending upon which socio economic class yu derive from yu could project the idea that supporting...
DO IT!!! it will be the best thing for you. TRUST ME...i done it. I droped from advanced maths where i was failing (below 50%) to general maths where i am getting 90% and above for most exams.....and if yu dont study yu'll get in tha 70's at least it is a worry off yur back and yur guarenteed if...
It produces an abundance of white blood cells to try and combat the disease but because the aids virus is too strong, the body continues to "fight" but it cannot beat the disease and therefore the white bloodcells end up "dying" and the bodies immune system becomes weaker. In essence, we do not...
the point of using sulfuric acid as the catalyst is because it speeds ups tha reaction and allows it to react over a shorter period of time than if tha reaction did not have the sulfuric acid as tha catalyst. its also a dehydrating agent and forces the OH molecule to be removed. this inturn...
you are completely entitled to your marks etc.etc.
what i find is that cause my teachers wont give out that "confidential information" i have to find it out myself. so to find your weighting yu just have 2 look at yur HSC booklet for all subjects that your school should have provided you with...
Ok so like i have 9 quotes for my novel. is that enough? ive got a few quotes from varied theoriests like scruggs and lyotard and bathes but do i need more?