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  1. M

    What do you guys think of Mitsubishi FTO's?

    Yea i was thinking that actually. I onli like the bak of FTO's...the front looks shyt....but 180 sx's look sexi if yu do em up right :D
  2. M

    Shamefulll :(

    No its safe to say....the rest of the class are dumbasses that will achieve nothing in their life except successfully apply for the dole, but the test was exceptionally hard.
  3. M

    Shamefulll :(

    ahahahha. wish. least i would have some excuse to fall back on. but no :(
  4. M

    whose your celebrity pin up?

    probably wentworth miller and that boy from goal....i forget his name :S
  5. M

    Trial HSC Exam Papers?

    just do past papers. most questions in ur trial exam are either directly taken from past papers or have slight variations in them.
  6. M

    What do you guys think of Mitsubishi FTO's?

    Im thinking of buying a mitsubishi FTO sports car cause im absolutly inlove with them. I saw one on the trading post and i am so in love with it. I have the money and all and i was thinking of slamming it (lowering it in other words) whacking on 22inch chromies and putting a mad sound system in...
  7. M

    Shamefulll :(

    In our chemistry class of 16 students only 1 student passed. I got 72% so i was the only 1 to pass, unfortunatly the second highest score was 23%, will this bring down my average? :(
  8. M

    dating a millionaire

    dump tha millionaire. He may be rich but if he is a prick then is he worth it? ur not making yurself happy by being with him. are you?
  9. M

    Syllabus Dot points: do you write them up?

    the answer is yes for all three. and btw if you rewrite the chemistry papers they are actually quite easy-ish. but yes learn your bonding otherwise you will be crap at your yr12 course.
  10. M

    Journey stories

    Ive written my story so many times. i just wrote it for the 6th time this week cause my trials are on soon. I just wanted 2 see if anyone has their journey story planned out in their head, and can just adapt it to any type of text?
  11. M

    king lear help needed

    Only cause i fukin hate Lear as well will i help you. It is a psychological drama because it focuses on the collapse of a family rather than a king. It highlights the dysfunctionalities of a family (Sibling rivalry, competition for fathers love). From an analysis of Eyres production the...
  12. M

    Planning to study this year?

    Been studying since the start of each term through until the end of term and occasionally during the holidays.
  13. M

    Formals? who are you taking?

    Just out of curiosity. My shyt schoooool wont allow us to bring anyone from outside of school. THIS SUCKS big time!! :( does anyone else's school allow them to bring people from outside the school community for their dates?
  14. M

    dumping lines

    Yes well ive been dumped and have done the dumping and either way its not a good experience. Once i used the line "its not yu its me" and really it was cause well it wouldnt have worked anyways. I also used the one "i just want to be friends" but after seeing him with another girl i wanted to...
  15. M

    during the HSC

    Yea im working at a family business 6 nights a week, umm i study after work till like late in the night. its hard but it will pay off in tha end.
  16. M

    Preparations for HSC

    Practice essays for every subjects, at least 1 a week per module. For example, last week i did: - 1 essay for advanced english on emma and clueless - 1 essay for advanced english on journey - 1 essay for modern history on Leni Riefenstahl - 1 essay for modern history on Hitler - 1 essay for...
  17. M

    what school are you at?

    Rooty Hill High *whispers* "SHYTHOLE"
  18. M


    Dont know but i love levi jeans!!!
  19. M

    13 or 11 units for HSC?

    13 units because then yu have a safety net and a half. I do, for my HSC course at the moment: - English advanced (2 unit) - Math general (2 unit) - Chemistry (2 unit) - Biology (2 unit) - Physics (2 unit) - English extension (1 unit) - Modern History (2 unit)13 units in total. so i can...
  20. M


    Yu would write the following Discuss the weaknesses of a DC generator - brushes causing sparking and needing to be replaced - split ring commutator - Lower generation of current. then... Discuss the advantages of an AC generator - Slip ring commutator system - No brushes, no sparking...