I just wanted 2 know. Do other students out there have the pressure of living up to the "parentals" and their standards. or even their teachers. I mean all my teachers constantly say to me "we expect band 6 off you and nothing less" but in reality dont they realise they are just further adding...
erm tough question. I guess it depends on the fact that you have a pure liking or talent for the subject. I find advanced english and extension english to be quite enjoyable. not easi. as they do require work but i guess i am guarenteed such good marks cause i can crap on about it like there is...
hm i like the whole blender idea. better yet. if yu hate yur teacher [fortunately i dont cause she is goddamn good], i would crush it into a fine powder, put it into a cake mix and bake a cake and give it to her/him
im sooo evil.
i do about 5 including h/w and assignments
wen half yearlies come i do about 1-2 hrs. its really effective cause it sticks in my brain from all the other nights of studying.
are you crazy?
ive only studied 3 in depth "crossing red sea, immmigrants at central station and migrant hostel" and i make general comparative relations to postcard. because dont forget, you will also be asked to discuss a relative text and a stimulus text as well.
Whilst that last comment was very useful you forgot to mention other significant battles of WW1. And with 4 in total the NECESSARY ones you need to know of are:
Battle of the Marne :
- 1914
- Sole purpose was to decrease the rapid invasion of the Schlieffen plan [which aimed at capturing...
Just out of curiosity guys i wanted to see what you intelligent people think of my essay in regards to Hitler's totalitarian society between 1933-1934. I included the following factors:
- Enabling Act of 1933
- Decree for the protection of People and State- 1933
- Reichstag fire of 1933
usefullness relates to saying stuff like "this source is highly usefull as it provides insight to how society functions" etc.etc.
if yu have msn add me and i will help you more.
one gene one enzyme ---> In other words, each gene controls the reproduction, function, and specificity of a particular enzyme.
one gene one polypeptide --> not all proteins are enzymes [ie. haemoglobin] so not one specific gene controls a particular enzyme.
Basically with the amylase experiment, what you are supposed to do is add iodine to the starch solution to turn it black, then the amylase is added and a colour reaction is supposed to be viewed, and the reaction rate is supposed to be timed. If you add more starch solution to make it more...
I like modern. i c no problem with it, i find it interesting ---> Maybe because im immature and laugh at hitlers moustach. LOL.
aniways my teacher is pretty good, she gets along with students and teaches very professionally, but its a 60-40 fraction. the teacher does 60% of the work and...
no offence but your teacher is a complete idiot. who the hell picks sth africa over germany? i mean seriously!!!. your teacher screwed you over hard. they picked the hardest topics you could have possibly done!
Westinghouse =
- AC,
- assisted by Tesla,
- focused more on providing a more efficient source of electricity at a low cost
Edison =
- DC,
- focused more on providing more DC motors and was extremly selfish and focused more on profit then helping society.
- Attempted to discredit...
not likely. Looking back on past HSC papers from the new syllabus they usually provide one option in reference to the Weimar Republic and one option in regards to Hitler and Totalitarianism.
Although in a way, both amalgamate with each other pretty well so i guess you cant discuss one without...
In a nutshell the turning points of WW1 were purely due to the USA Involvement. --> btw this sounds strangely reminiscent of 2006 Section I HSC paper for 2006 *nods head*
um yes continuing, main turning points include:
---> Battle of the Somme [relieved pressure on the French at Verdun] and...
looking at the diagram. magnetic field and current cannot travel in the same direction--> that defeats the purpose for lenzes law in that the magnetic field and current are perpendicular to one another. Applying the right hand push rule, the thumb would obviously travel in the direction the...
simply put. amphoteric means it can act as both an acid and a base when reacted with water.
heres an equation.
NaHCO(3) ----> Na + HCO(3) -
HCO(3) + H20 ---> H(3)0CO (2) + OH (BASE)
H(3)OCO(2) + H20 ----> 2HCO + H30 (ACID)