... I actually like it. Unlike the Astra advert which just came off as tacky (why would you want a car which turns into a bicycle when driving?!), the "transformation" effect, especially with the interior of the newest ute, actually looks pretty slick.
For those who haven't seen the V-Dub "unpimp my ride" adds which were on the net ages ago... they're quite good and still make me laugh.
I don't like...
Also thought this might be of interest to the general BoS community. Whether or not this article is true or not (as I heard differently) is upto you to decide.
Source: http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/roadsafety/speedandspeedcameras/fixeddigitalspeedcameras/howdofixeddigitalspeedcameraswork.html...
Just thought I'd post this FYI...
Source: http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/roadsafety/schoolroadsafety/schoolpenalties.html?hfid=school
... and for those Learner/P1 drivers out there who are already burdened with the new conditions;
How odd, noone on BoS seems to have mentioned it- or maybe everyone's too busy with their midsems :)
Source: http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1613482,00.html
Just saw this on the cover of the Daily Telegraph and thought I'd post it up;
URL: http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,21592459-5001021,00.html
All I can say is 'hmmm....'
Noone plays with me and I have no friends :(
... and I'm sick of playing PGR3 with people speaking Chinese*. Whilst it's cool and all that you can use the headset and do voice-chat, it's somewhat unsatisfying to be beaten and then have someone do their victory speech in a language you can't...
Source: http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/roadsafety/pimpourads.html?hfid=pimp
... Interesting way to get the community involved. I wonder what the outcome will be... cooler/more interest advertisements, or advertisements which look pretty much the same as the existing ones because the judges happen...
I'm debating whether to buy an Xbox360... trying to determine whether or not I "foresee" a drop in price when PS3 launches. The thing is, PS3 is so much more expensive (ie. $999 vs. $599) that I think they are in different markets altogether, in the sense that a drop in price for the 360 is...
I dunno much about it and whether it's very diff to the normal Astra in terms of driving dynamics/power/etc... but it looks pretty decent for an Astra convertible. At least it's not as feminine as the Tigra.
Just saw the TV advert for it... must be available now/soon.
So what...
Just wondering what you guys thought... 'coz the other day, my work colleagues and I went to a small restaurant (no booking) and we waited 1 hour and 10mins for our food to arrive. There was 8 of us, and we only ordered standard dishes. Around 45mins in, we felt like walking off since a lot of...
Just wondering what you guys thought of it.
At first I thought looked weird.. very overpriced... not good. Then after seeing a few around, and of course, Tokyo Drift... impression has improved alot.
According to Wheels... new engine coming out for the 350z this year. What surprises me though...
Who reads 'em?
I used to buy alot of Autosalon and Hot4s... but lately I'm starting to appreciate the more 'normal' magazines like Wheels. Whilst offering a little bit on modified/aftermarket gear, they have more focus on every car (in stock form) as well as a bit on supercars... with good...
I know I'm a bit slow and they've been on the news for ages... but I never realised they were actually OFFICIALLY coming in July 2007. They seem a bit over the top but I guess we'll see how it goes. I guess when they do come in, we'll probably get letters in the mail if we're still on Red P's...