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  1. seremify007

    Hi Ace! (pics inside)

    Just thought I'd post these pics I took when I was in Chinatown today.. lol.. LOL:rofl:
  2. seremify007

    When can Auto license drive Manual cars without test?

    Just wondering if I have to wait until Full License before I can drive Manual withotu having to resit a driving test. Also... what about clutchless manuals? Can auto ppl drive them?
  3. seremify007

    Cadetships/Traineeships- which uni?

    I thought I'd start this thread because I've received numerous emails, PMs and phone calls regarding uni preferences for those studying on a cadetship/traineeship in Accounting... and this way there are plenty of other people out there who can post their opinions/experience/recommendations...
  4. seremify007

    FINS1612 or FINS1613? Which one to take? Or both?

    I am having trouble figuring out whether I want to do FINS1612/1613/both! 1612- seems important since it's an introduction, and I'm thinking of doing a finance major. 1613- compulsory for CA so I need to do it regardless; but I worry that I might not go so well if I don't have time to attend...
  5. seremify007

    To anyone who's seen the new 007 Casino Royale...

    ... can you please explain to me the whole "stock manipulation" thing with Le Chiffre? WARNING: THREAD CONTAINS SPOILERS I wasn't paying enough attention and I think I missed something... I didn't quite make the connection between how the insider knowledge of selling just before the attacks...
  6. seremify007

    Photos from Sepang

    Took these photos on my recent trip to Malaysia... Enjoy! Also note, most of the cars here are Singaporean (ie. JDM models)- hence the speedos. [Note to Ciel] Yes there are EuroRs. And in response to your Q, no I don't know what the diff's...
  7. seremify007

    Nokia N93 vs. N80 vs. N73 vs. E70

    So many Nokia models nowadays... what happened to the time where it was easy to pick a model? Any tips?
  8. seremify007

    New ICAA advertisements in the cinemas...

    .... any of you guys seen it yet? At first I thought it was some advertisment for a global IB or something... definitely improved alot and better than the CPA adds I reckon.
  9. seremify007

    So how'd you find it and how many pages did you write?

    So how'd you find it and how many pages did you write?
  10. seremify007

    Should I buy an iPod?

    I know there are heaps of these... but I feel like making my own since I can't decide. I have an old 1st gen iPod Mini which has been replaced by Apple once already (with a new battery)- but now it's at the stage of it'll last me one, or if i'm lucky, two days and that's it- and all I use it...
  11. seremify007

    Haha mr_shittles...

    ... works later hours than me :) Sorry for not recognising you at first mate. At least you got to catch a cab back to work!
  12. seremify007

    Woohoo I downgraded my PSP! What next?

    lalalla upped it from 2.5 to 2.71 and then used the automatic downdater to 1.5... and now Devhook with GUI! :D
  13. seremify007

    Satnav/GPS recommendations (or good websites for info?)

    Just wondering if there are any good websites which cater for Aussie GPS/satnav systems. I wanna buy one but haven't got much clue about them. I tried my mate's Voxtrack (quite old) and it wasn't too shabby- it got me where I wanted to go but I saw the limitations (eg. wants me to u-turn when i...
  14. seremify007

    Help a n00b downgrade PSP 2.5 to 1.5...

    Anyone here know much about the topic? I've tried researching it but all I can find is that even the n00b-proof one, requires GTA:LCS and 1.5 firmware. The 1.5 firmware shouldn't be too hard to find, but GTA:LCS... I heard the Australian/PAL versions (see Wikipedia) have been "fixed" to stop...
  15. seremify007

    Wireless Internet Access @ UNSW

    Anyone use the wireless internet access? Just wondering what you guys thought of it. Btw, if possible, could someone pls post the link to the relevant site to find out more (and enable it)? I can't seem to find it >< Thanks!
  16. seremify007

    IGN Down Under: Anyone applying?

    Probably a bit old now but just wondering if anyone is applying. For those who don't know and are too lazy to read, IGN is opening up an office in Sydney and is recruiting writers/staff.
  17. seremify007

    What's wrong with me...? Am I just jealous?

    I know the answer to this myself; but sometimes I find myself pondering it. I'm not even sure how to word it.. but it led me to do a lot of thinking. There's a guy I know, and he got a new Integra Type S. I'm thinking I'm jealous... but it goes much deeper than that. He's the kindof guy...
  18. seremify007

    My Civic got keyed =(

    In CHERRYBROOK VILLAGE at around 9pm on 2/08/06! :( Some sad sad sad person... when I had ducked into Woolworths to buy my Mum some milk. Sigh. I guess it happens.
  19. seremify007

    Anyone from a non-Big4 accounting background?

    Just hoping you might be interested in answering some questions regarding accounting and your job. This is for a Comsoc careers brochure (UNSW) and it's upto you if you want your name/firm disclosed. If you wish to remain anonymous that's cool; if you don't want your name/company posted on BoS...
  20. seremify007

    Window Tinting- any good places in Sydney, Hills preferably.

    Just wondering if you guys know any good places to get my car tinted. Whilst price is a major factor, I'd pay a bit more for a reputable install which won't leave it all bubbly/disgusting in a few years time. Preferably in the Hills district, but am willing to travel to maybe Chatswood or...