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  1. R


    one of the orderlys at work last night said that cinnamon mixed in hot water/milk /juice will lower your weight. It helps with the metabolism or something...I told him i wish i knew about that before my brothers wedding lol anyone heard this before?
  2. R

    Countryroad Bag

    Re: Countryroand Bag Ive looked in country road stores and i cant find the one that all the school kids have....where do i get one? though i migh just spend $20 and get a similar bag from Cotton On, so that i can fit my gym clothes in so i can go to the gym before/after finding it...
  3. R

    Nursing 2008 Anyone?

    You may find on your first prac after wearig gloves a lot that your hands may have a rash or stuff on it, dont panic, its just your skin getting used to the powder or the latex. Most hospitals now have latex free and powder free alternatives, so if you are allergic then use those. It may jsut be...
  4. R

    Exercise Enviroment

    hehe i was reading in an old cleo mag i think that sweat is a turn on for guys and girls, like you shouldnt get your guy to shower after a gym session hehe...its all to do with the
  5. R

    Nursing 2008 Anyone?

    hehe wearing hats???? No nurses that I know of now wear hats! that is sooooo old nursing lol. those nursing watches are called fog or fob watches. Go and invest in one, they are around $50-100 but you can get some for $20, check out the nursing notice boards. They are essential coz you are not...
  6. R


    Hm having the flu for the past week, i found that antihistamines and codeine made me rather drowsy...but then again you shouldnt take those tablets without a good reason... Dont rely on medications. And dont eat before bed
  7. R


    no i was planning to go out with this guy wheter or not i got the bloody bouquet. it was kinda retorical question....forget about it and grow up. I was just generally sharing the fact that I caught the bouquet and it was nice and stuff, andthat no i didnt believe in the fact that the girl who...
  8. R

    Laptops for Uni

    Re: Laptops and Uni I wish i had a laptop while i was at uni, coz then you dont have to line up for ages for a free computer, especailly at peak times. I went to Qut, and they reckon that the Gardens Point library lab is one of the biggest in the country, and you go there at peak times and...
  9. R

    fee question

    With most double degrees, its just an extra year and you do an extra subject or two each semester so yeah. And in the end you do drop a few subjects from each degree that you are doing, so you are not doing the whole two degrees, more like half of each. Its far cheaper to do a double degree than...
  10. R

    Short On Cash For Uni?!

    I looked into that NAB loan and you have to get a list of people who you will pay money to and the bank do a cheque for that third party.Ie if your buying books, you tell them you want money sent to the bookshop and they send it to them....which is really stupid. The ANZ have a simlilar thing...
  11. R

    The Pill

    Sure is good when you can skip it, but when they are so sore and you feel lumps you kinda panic and think could it be the big c..whcih of course in young women is not that common but as we've seen inKylie and BelindaEmmet it can strike young. Or its not good when you wan to sleep on your...
  12. R

    Brisbane cinema goers

    Who here prefers the Southbank cinemas to the BCC? I certainly do, coz its about the same size, but its sooooo much cheaper. I only paid $5.90 for my student ticket, compared to something like $12 at Hoyts. Sure its a smaller theatre but thatsgood.. Its not as small as Eldorado whcih is nice as...
  13. R

    27 dresses

    hehe was interesting watching this movie the day after my brother got married..but no i wasnt a bridesmaid. And how ironic that i caught the bouque lol. I enjoyed the movie but I went in expecting more laughs and stuff. NOt more like oh no this is goin to happen kinda laughs if you know what i...
  14. R

    Good Aussie movies

    Looking for alabrandi..but dont like how they go so quick with Johns the book its decent and stuff! But yeah i bawl in that lol. Um The castle definately, crackerjack!, um the extra was goodish (jimeon wasnt that funny...went to see it a few times coz colin lane was in it, hehe...
  15. R

    The Pill

    Going on the pill doesnt make you infertile, it just takes noramlly a few months before the hormones are back to normal and you canfall preganant then. But you can fall pregnant while being on the pill..its not fail safe.... Champ sammy...a girl at work was talking about how she's on that...
  16. R

    Nursing 2008 Anyone?

    The clinical time is bascially all the same in the long run, its just appears different.I dont know how it goes inNSW but in Qld if we did more prac than we do now with the BN, it would be more of an EN course...whcih is pretty stupid. For QUT, we did the following: 1st year- 2wks 2nd semester...
  17. R

    First Year Textbooks

    Be prepared to spend a bloody fortune on books,especially if your doing medicine, coz theyd make you buy every bloody book under the sun lol. As long as its recent then thats all that matters. And they wll be 'investment' books. Get a good book that makes things clear for you. No point in...
  18. R


    your the idiot!!
  19. R


    Just a general question, what do you guys think about the myth that the single chick who catches the brides bouquet will be the next one in that room to get hitched? The reason Im asking is coz my bro got married last night and the first toss didnt go well, it went to the brides flatmate/best...
  20. R


    Um well the advice I got/found coz i do night duty in the past, (and can do it in 6months into my gradprogram) is to make your room a lot cooler than you normally have it, we sleep better when its cold, hence why you have trouble sleeping when its summer Make sure you dont have heaps of things...