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  1. iambored

    interview tips

    post them here i'll start: - act confident - dress well - look the interviewer in the eye
  2. iambored

    buying guy's album?

    so do you think you will buy guy's album? i am undecided
  3. iambored

    if courses are not liked / transferring

    what's the deal with transferring at different unis?
  4. iambored

    if the course is not liked

    can people transfer? is time wasted?
  5. iambored

    how long did it take to get a job?

    how long did it take for you to get a job?
  6. iambored

    old kids shows songs

    this is to post the theme songs of any of the old kids shows mentioned in the other thread CAPTAIN PLANET captain planet, he's out hero, gonna take pollution down to zero, _________anyone know the words?______ you'll pay for this captain planet we're the planeteers, you can be one...
  7. iambored


    I this is it about time to say a well deserved thanks to everyone on this site who made this year so much easier than it would have been. Firstly, thanks to Laz, tactic, timbk2 and fatmuscle for setting up this site, providing us with notes, past papers, help with moderation/scaling of...
  8. iambored

    school texts

    were there any school texts you had to read that you ended up liking? i liked snow falling on cedars
  9. iambored

    how many pages?

    how many pages did you write analytical - 13 creative - 9
  10. iambored

    forensic chemistry

    what did you think? overall i think it was good, but there was a lot to write for 2 mark questions
  11. iambored

    style of questioning

    does anyone agree with me that the style of questioning is hard for a 1 unit subject?
  12. iambored


    what is it? i have various definitions, and they are all different
  13. iambored

    2umaths exam

    in another thread it said to some here, and i don't think anyone else has, so what's the deal with the scaling with the 2u exam, if everyone performs badly?
  14. iambored

    Continuers French

    what did you think? my thoughts: listening -sort of hard, i made up some answers comprehensions - hard questions, but once i read the information enough times they were ok. but there were too many which involved analysing language! written - i didn't like that we had to respond to an...
  15. iambored

    min mark in subjects

    i think i am confusing things - table a3 tells you the SCALED hsc mark? and then scaled uai mark? so that means there is nowhere i can look to see what raw mark i have to get in an exam to get for example a band 6?
  16. iambored

    lines closed?

    the lines have closed and only open a week before their exams!!
  17. iambored


    ok, a polypeptide is a protein??? (as it is made up of many small units of amino acids) is that right?? so are all proteins polypeptides? and also, to separate amino acids you use chromotography? so what about before that, is it true that you have to break down the protein into...
  18. iambored

    learning ALL poems?

    for skrzynecki and for the stimulus booklet are you learning all the texts to an extent? because the donne people have to learn all of them
  19. iambored

    prac side

    is there a specific percentage of the exam they can ask from the prac side? (like in maths they can ask 20/40% or something from prelim) and does anyone find the prac side can be quite repetitive. it repeats thing sfrom the other column?
  20. iambored

    uh-huh, somewhere i can ask

    do any of u do chinese background speakers?? if yes, what is your exam made up of? what do u have to do?