Search results

  1. iambored

    averages for trials?

    how high have your averages been?
  2. iambored

    syd cutting numbers?

    apparently some courses at Usyd are cutting numbers!!
  3. iambored


    what plans or no plans do u have from not to the hsc? study all the time, every day, do u have a time table? and what did people last year do to get good marks???
  4. iambored

    nero and karaoke??

    ok, well nero seems to have a section where u can take away the voices from ur songs and turn it into a karaoke track. has anyone used it and can you tell me how to?? because i slide the bar thing and it doesn't work thanks
  5. iambored

    media player 9

    does anyone have it? is it better than the old one?? and i may as well put my other q here: when u download windows updates, some of them say that after download u can't remove them. is that really a prob?? like is there any reason u would wanna remove them?
  6. iambored

    EnglishAdv - doing Frontline next year?

    QUOTE]Originally posted by honky tonk For anyone that didn't know, Frontline is starting on the 2nd of September (9:30pm, Tuesday with repeats on Wednesdays at 12:30am) on The Comedy Channel. this was posted in our forum, thought maybe u'd wanna know
  7. iambored


    i think we all need a pat on the back 4 getting this forum running again. when i came here the 1st time there was nothing here. good work guys!
  8. iambored

    better than school?

    what do u uni people think?? is it better than school? what's different? is the work load better? etc. etc.
  9. iambored

    some qs!

    Differentiate y=log2x Change of base: y = lnx ------ ln 2 Im fine with that I just dont understand the next part: dy/dx = 1/ln2 x(multiply) 1/x I know that lnx differentiated = 1/x. and ln2 is a constant right? But I dont get how they got the answer...
  10. iambored


    When do u guys do them? what trial did u do? how was it?
  11. iambored

    Cssa Trial

    who hated it? *puts hand up*
  12. iambored

    finding ur PIN

    did anyone have problems finding their pin on the piece of paper?? they could've put it in a more obvious spot!
  13. iambored

    slang / abbreviations

    hey i was just wondering what abbreviations u know for writing italian e mails etc. the only ones i know are x - per k - ch 6 - sei + - piu' so i wanna know what others there r out there!
  14. iambored

    changing avatar size

    how do i change the size of the pics i have on my computer so they'll fit into the avatar?
  15. iambored

    westpac maths comp

    wat did u think? they changed the rules! i think they're better!
  16. iambored

    king lear and context

    does anyone have any idea wat was goin on in the world in 1983 (michael elliot) and 1998 (brian blessed) to make them do the interpretations they did of the two king lear videos??
  17. iambored

    English Adv notes?

    i don't know if this is technical probs, or if it hasn't been noticed so i'm just saying that the Eng Adv notes have the size of the file next to them but there is no link 2 download them thanks!
  18. iambored

    kiddies songs

    well, with the old tv shows thread, and someone posting about songs, i'm wondering wat songs u guys can remember / liked when u were small myself, i remember something about someone going into the garden 2 eat worms as for popualr music, locomotion by kylie was 1 of my faves
  19. iambored

    guys forum

    does ne1 agree with me that this is such as guys forum at the moment??
  20. iambored

