You will need to grow up before you're fit to enter the legal profession. Insulting your betters will get you nowhere.
The flag represents different things to different people. I am prepared to accept that ordinarily, the flag represent the nation of Australia, although not necessarily the...
There's a reason why governments regulate or illegalise certain substances and commercial activities. Without imposing moral judgements let's just say that they're oversupplied by the market, just as right wing media is oversupplied by the market. Of course, governments will still impose...
How does it? Governments should intervene in the market when the the market outcomes do not equate to social equilibrium. In this case, the monopoly of news corp means that centre and left wing media are in short supply.
I'd be surprised if people that matter still watch commercial channels. For me, SBS and the ABC are the only two free to air channels. SBS for films and football, ABC for period dramas and british comedies.
As someone stated earlier in the thread, it's burning a flag, not something real like burning a human being (beyond the material flag itself). In terms of what the flag represents, the burning is at worst equivalent to insulting Australia in public and denouncing what it stands for (although I...
That's not how it works. Countries invade for self interest. The fact that a country is poor or that its leader neglects its people does not provide a reason for invasion in absence of circumstances such as ethnic genocide (in which case the public international outcry may or may not force a...
Congrats Stef.
I think the appointment will make NCAP a more harmonious forum as you're certainly a member of the community who garners alot of love and respect.
However the main factor abject to equal opportunity in education is not the material means of the student in question, but rather the intellectual means, just like the main factor abject to equality of opportunity in life (in general) is the inequality of genetic factors at birth (aesthetic...
Full fee should not be sought by any degree nor for any purpose of undertaking studies in that degree. This is because equal opportunity of education is an opportunity extending to the gaining of knowledge per se, and not merely the opportunity to gain entrance to particular professions. When...
I don't think discrimination on the basis of reason for studying in an area should take place. In principle, obtaining a job in the relevant area should not be the sole valid purpose of being educated in that area.
If some notion of equality should exist in society it is a question of equality of what. I think the equality should at least be one of opportunity - that is, subsidised education to the point where it remains not reasonable for the student to pay for their own education. That would surely not...