my itunes suddenly didn't automatically update my new songs on the ipod. the option for automatic updates is still checked but it still doesnt work. the funny thing is that the ipod drive itself still seems to be working fine. any help? thanks.
ur just a friend, u shouldnt really be involving urself in her other intimate relationships. how u deal with similar situations is ur problem. there is no right or wrong.
UTS does and UOW will, in 2006 I think.
I've always preferred undergrad law. Postgrad...u dont even know what will happen after the 3-4 yrs... u might be pressured by family/whateva to get ur arse into a full time job...if u can get into law in the first instance then go for undergrad...if...
I am having some problems logging onto AOL. When I start the AOL browser, a small screen displays a message saying it is installing the required network adaptor files. It never did that before. After 2 unsuccessful log-ins (one of them being the "Host timed out) it is able to log on to...
I tried to install AOE 3 but it said it couldn't install MSXML 4.0 properly. What the hell is MSXML be4cause it NEEDS it to run the game. What should I do? I'm currently downloading the required program...but do i have to put it in the AOE3 file? Thanks. :)