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  1. santaslayer

    Law which is the best out of these unis?

    I agree with UTS being the better Commerce/Business faculty. (Amongst the choices listed by the thread starter). They have a better everything (in the business sense) , IMO.
  2. santaslayer

    Bad Dates

    i dunno...she seems to be waiting for me to talk... when i stop she tells me its wtf? after that day, i dranks like 50 galsses of water,...and went to the toilet a lot... and no, i dont think she was abused as a child...:p
  3. santaslayer

    suing for exposure "to the prospect of the imposition of the death"

    He goes to UoW. sorry. :p
  4. santaslayer

    i want to learn self-defence/martial arts.. wushu CAN be used for choregraphing... wushu is the generic term for the chinese martial art...Im pretty sure that Beijing did not want to introduce a choreographic 'sport' into the olympic games. jacki chan still uses wushu in his choregraphing bruce lee...i dont...
  5. santaslayer

    Law which is the best out of these unis?

    LoLz...actually talking to academics are just as stupid as asking people here on BoS, IMO. Anyway, frigid, you really think UNSW has a larger amount of juicey-ful girls than UTS? UTS more male dominated? Or ugly-ness dominated? :p
  6. santaslayer

    Harry Gibbs Constitutional Moot

    93 is a very good score.
  7. santaslayer

    Msn Messenger

    I don't seem to be having any problems. Lucky me. :)
  8. santaslayer

    Bad Dates

    I went with one. I could always pull off an interesting conversation with her. She would respond with extreme enthusiasm but the thing was that she expected me to initiate/think of things to say. It was shit because whenever I felt like taking a breath from all that talking she wouldn't be able...
  9. santaslayer

    And what if you basolutely screw up ur HSC?

    You can do the HSC again through TAFE or another high school. TAFE is the more financially viable option IMO. Scaling of marks aren't an issue I don't think.
  10. santaslayer

    i want to learn self-defence/martial arts..

    LoLz. People who refer the general Chinese Martial art as "KungFu" (Effort) watch too many Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan films. The actual term is "WuShu". (The art of war). They're trying really hard to get wushu as a sport in the 2008 China Olympic Games (for obvious reasons). The one's which wow...
  11. santaslayer

    Why am i so scared??

    But he can't get his arse fired for getting a woman drunk and then fucking her...
  12. santaslayer

    If your girl or boyfriend wouldn't have sex...

    I need sex. Maybe not now, maybe not in the short term. But I need sex. I wouldn't be able to sustain an intimate relationship with anyone who won't get frisky once in a while.
  13. santaslayer

    Law which is the best out of these unis?

    UoW, UTS, Mac and UWS. My opinion. Frigid, why the hell did you transfer then?
  14. santaslayer

    'Talent and drive, but no money? Forget uni' (The Age)

    Friend paid his undergraduate accounting degree in ten years. That actually shocked me. (heard this in year 11). He's been working @ QANTAS ever since he graduated. HECS is actually really helpful in the short term. It tends to bite back at you when you start working IMO. Some people need...
  15. santaslayer

    suing for exposure "to the prospect of the imposition of the death"

    That's really interesting. Looks like they have a strong case as well. :p
  16. santaslayer

    ok so who have you seen met from the forums???

    BoS UoW meetups don't work. :p
  17. santaslayer

    SAM accuracy

    That seems correct. The HSC isn't hard at all.
  18. santaslayer

    first aid course

    i did mine at UNSW with 2 friends. did the intermediate course for about $130 (student price)...the cert lasts 3 years. :) ur uni usually has courses like this...if u go to uni..
  19. santaslayer

    i want to learn self-defence/martial arts..

    LoLz...the doode that got punched looked like he put in more effort than master jim fung in that screenshot. :p
  20. santaslayer

    Who 'owns' BOS

    I think Fatmuscle was the one who kickstarted the idea before BoS was even created. He has a site of his own. It had all the notes he had written up for the subjects he was doing. I think it's still running. (I might of messed the names up, it was either timbk2 or fatmuscle...i forget. :p)