I finished my exams!!!
anyway, multi choice is useless if its an open book exam coz answers are easily discovered. law is about application, not straight out memorising, since law changes every now and then.
1) Yep, one of my lae exams, I didn't think much at all because I wrote the correct notes which fit the questions pretty well. LoLz.
2) The law changes though!
Ms12, about the 60hrs work experience and so so...
do we have to find our own place to work or is it all arranged for us?
Freedom is bad, it fucks people like me up.
People appear to be extremely nice.
Lot more nice ladies around
Too much work
Friends seem scattered around the place. Some people have a designated place and group of friends they hang out with primarily, but then there are lot of random-ish...
Based on the fact that LimeWire is going to implant some type of DRM filtering in to it's client, making it useless for the people who want to breach copyright laws and following the destructive ways of RIAA's command, a group of developers has decided to work on a project called FrostWire...
too much study
too much work
but then had some fun times with friends...at uni...around wollongong city as well..
fuck i have an exam 2moro...
its harsh but the thing is that the grandpa had a duty to look after his own computer because he owned it.
but i do agree.,...fucked up decision...
funny thing is that they could of paid 4000 instead. :p
Hmm...actually I don't think the credit points for differing unis can be compared easily.
The smallest cp unit I've done is a 2cp one which was a law "practical skills" subject.
Most I've done is a 8cp.
Most first year subjects are a 6cp course.
Remember my legal studies teacher saying similar things. Didn't a Judge get shot/killed right after a trial? The husband follwed the wife and kid interstate and they finally ended up in court whereby he shot the judge after the trial..? It was a case study for HSC legal...
anyway, im a robot.
Well, first session, a very good friend of mine gave me his law notes and I used them in the open book. It was difficult in terms of understanding what the hell he was crapping on about so I did a lot of mindless copying. It kinda worked. Marks weren't too crash hot though. Beggars can't be...
Whoa..thats sounds nice...for all the failures out there anyway.
Must talk to admin girl next semester...
then go to all my friends...
i can make ur adademic record fail-less!!!
/....for a fucking fee...:p
I could be rich...
i didnt think that i HAD to get her anything...i hope i dont meet someone like that...
ok fuck i feel obliged on her birthday...but thats it..im tight..:p
I simply addressed the key points you raised in your previous post:
"students who sit the HSC sit comprable if not common examinations"
If they are similar, then they should be more comparable, no?
EDIT: I see omnidragon has raised a similar point....
As Above. :)
In reference to...