It doesn't matter what one believes because everyone is the "centre of the universe" as their life experience is mostly defined by their perception of the world. While I'm an atheist, I don't think it's necessary to "enlighten" others with the "truth" as truth is a pretty overrated notion IMO -...
Is terrorism really that much of a threat? I really don't feel that it's a significant threat in terms of the amount of people it kills - at least in the "western world" so to speak, maybe not in palistine or any of the real "hot spots". The success of terrorism is proportional to the amount of...
Hmm I hate these political compasses..
but anyway.. here's me
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -7.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.41
What is so bad about the natural evolution of the language anyway? Not referring to that example in particular - but you will notice that the English language is a mesh-mash of different European languages and thus a bastardisation in the first place. Also, you will find significant difference...
That structure is probably missing an important thing you need to talk about - namely the causes of income/wealth inequality (which invariably shape the trends). Under that you would talk about structural change etc and Government policy - including changes to welfare, LMR, and just the general...
The only way to get internal marks changed is to whinge to a more "senior" teacher (with whom you've fostered a good relationship). Only then is there a chance that your mark will be reconsidered. Pretty much there's likely to be some politics involved, so it's BS.
Yeah internal marking is pretty bullshit. It's annoying when you let another teacher mark the same essay and realise just how much they fucked up the marking. =/
Oh well.. hope that didn't badly affect your uai or something.
I think this is correct. The top response will invariably be well supported by historiography. But I think it's kinda difficult to do well for every section anyway, if you do a decent job (16-17ish in national studies, 25-27ish in pacific) and don't screw up elsewhere, you can still get close to...
Yeah they both seemed analysis questions to me, which is favourable for more capable students. Those who visit the forums tend to be near the front of the bell-curve.