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  1. iambored

    what is your everyday jewellery

    me too, for everyday jewellery. all my nice jewellery is meanigful to the same extent, which means i don't wear any on a daily basis :/ i wear a pair of earrings and a watch.
  2. iambored

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread Thanks so much for that mserica. It will help me a heap, I'll go in early tomorrow. If I can get even some of the stuff I need it will be great.
  3. iambored

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread i saw a warning for weekend morning maintenance but that is all. however, for the last 2 weekends i have had problems (but not this widespread) and i have rang them twice and the problems were on their side both times.
  4. iambored

    How many pairs of jeans do you own?

    they do! i have started buying jeans small and after a few wears they are normal if i counted all the jeans in the house somewhere that still fit me i probably have about 30 or 40+ pairs but as soon as i haven't worn them for a while, they get carted out of my wardrobe. so realistically, i...
  5. iambored

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread they are doing work on the computers or network or something at uni and so disconnect things and so things go down. they usually do the work on the weekends which is why sites have been going down on the weekend. i don't think it is intended that...
  6. iambored

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread you can get in? I still can't.
  7. iambored

    Getting tough

    me either damn it. i have 2 before the holidays, i want to finish (realistically, 1/2 finish) one by the end of this weekend. it won't happen. then next week i won't have time to do it because i have many other things to do and i will be so stressed and it will be all my fault!! /trying to talk...
  8. iambored

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread 3 posts in a row in this thread... 1/9/06 3pm webct appears to be down
  9. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    where is that from? at a first glance, i actually saw the top as stiff and the bottom as flowing / hanging. if it's from a series of still pictures i wouldn't be surprised if that was true (i.e. that they do defy the logic of sewing, can't be worn in everyday life because the bottom wouldn't be...
  10. iambored

    The MQ BOSers you ran into today...

    did she know about this message by any chance? :p today i saw 0 bosers.
  11. iambored

    BA psych.. UAI

    whether you are in ba-psych or bpsych(hons) you need to keep a certain average to do honours. if you get into bpsych(hons) and don't keep the specified average, they won't let you do the honours part of your degree. from the posts above, it seems you all compete on a level playing field for the...
  12. iambored

    Bored? Guess who these MQ Bosers are ;)

    :rofl: the posters in this thread are not biased at all :rolleyes: i don't see any big heads or fatness in that photo. the end.
  13. iambored

    calling all students who have gone on exchange!

    on her return? sif not have a photo thread :p (j/k you'll be way too busy / having too much fun)
  14. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    I saw you post the shoe in another thread and was going to say something but never got around to it. I'm also not a big fan of wedges in general but I like the wedge heel on those. Love the front, love the colours. They might look funny with the 2 ankle straps like you said, but at the same...
  15. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    haha depends on the purpose of the thread - because we're seriously lacking in your procrastination threads atm, the forum is missing them, we need more :D i need to watch myself.. i was on msn talking to a friend who changed her display pic. i commented on the display pic to her and another...
  16. iambored

    Italian Beginners!! Dove siete?!

    The only site I can think of for listening is the csu one Besides that there is only really the radio and news, which are very hard to understand anyway. You could try songs or segments of movies without and then with English subtitles. I think with listening you just...
  17. iambored

    BA psych.. UAI

    As they have said, from what i understand, it's the same. you do the extra subjects as your electives and if you get into honours, i think you transfer to the bpsych(hons) degree at the end of 3rd year, is that right? if yes, it means you'll graduate with exactly the same degree as if you got 95...
  18. iambored

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread 29/8/06 10am databases down should be up asap