Search results

  1. santaslayer

    does your Gf/bf Overreact

  2. santaslayer

    When is too young to be having sex

    Upon them physically maturing.
  3. santaslayer

    Relationships & HSC

    Is education going to dictate your life forever? If so then you're pretty screwed. You don't have time for a girl because you have an education to compete. Conservatively, you won't finish your education until you're like 22. So OK, 22 sounds like a good age to get yourself in a relationship. Oh...
  4. santaslayer

    deleting 62000 rar's from desktop

    That sounds fun. :p
  5. santaslayer

    2005 World Ranking for Universities [Compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni]

    Yes, but considering the government is handing out such a substantial amount of money, don't you think that the tertiary institutions that will get this handout actually deserve some credit? Interpreting this further, don't you feel that it was quite a shock for the fact that a few well known...
  6. santaslayer

    Importance of Uni or degree?

    ahahahaa...equivalent of saying, "Please find relevant premises to support by random and (currently) unjustified statement."
  7. santaslayer

    Importance of Uni or degree?

    You can't change how some people think of certain things. Esp about going to uni. MOST people go to uni to get a job, not to pursue a life of academic enjoyment. Anyway, a LOT of employers DO have a preference as to WHO they employ. Apparently, KPMG Wollongong love to employ UoW students. :p
  8. santaslayer

    Jury Duty

    The money isn't a lot. Just an estimated days income. Ask the uni if they can give you an estimated score for your finals so you can serve on the jury AND avoid your last assessments. :D
  9. santaslayer

    Help Needed Finding This Case

    Both of the above seem to be correct. It just depends on if it was an appeal or not.
  10. santaslayer


    try your right hand.
  11. santaslayer

    Do companies every physically recruit people?

    Yes stazi, it DOES happen. :) Information gets circulated around industries pretty quickly. Obviously, you will need the marks. :rolleyes: (fuck) That happened to a family friend before th IT bubble burst. A FEW companies were actually bidding for him...LoLz. Just looking at his...
  12. santaslayer

    2005 World Ranking for Universities [Compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni]

    That is very correct. It's always easy to criticise. Anyone can do that to anything. I think the more important thing is to give the research some context. The government's goal was to hand out a shitload of money to a few universities that fulfilled it's criteria, and that's what it'll do...
  13. santaslayer

    Law Books

    I always thought it was "He thrust his noble lance into her warm generosity"
  14. santaslayer

    2005 World Ranking for Universities [Compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni]

    I think erawamai has got it right. :p Anyway, I'm assuming that this is yet another Higher Research/PhD/whateva focused finding. As undergraduates, I think the more important thing is to understand that aspects such as teaching quality, graduate outcomes and graduate satisfaction levels are...
  15. santaslayer

    guys with a comb over...

    I thought AzNs had the OMFG I'm Super Sayan from Dragonball hairstyle.
  16. santaslayer

    BOS Goths

    Goths are not prohibited from joining the policeforce.
  17. santaslayer


    Lazseeker was the 10th century version of the now SAM. JUAI Seeker does similar things. Ask jm1234567890 for it. You can find him on the Member's List. Tell him Santaslayer told him to help u. It's all about connections. :p
  18. santaslayer

    uhhuh smiley not showing up

    She Blocked you.
  19. santaslayer

    BOS Goths

    isn't Kaylz one? I'm bound to get one right.