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  1. santaslayer

    Getting published: an edge or common practice?

    It's not a bad idea. You know you'll get rejected, but you might come out lucky once. capa, it doesn't matter what uni you came from, you should be credited/acknowledged when deserved.
  2. santaslayer

    'I love You' How long into a relationship is this line appropriate?

    My girlfriend said it to me after I gave her an OMGMEGAAWESOMEWOW present for her birthday. Shit, I think I successfully bought her love. :p
  3. santaslayer

    IS the IPOD data cable used for charging ?????

    1) Your cousin gave you a fucked up Ipod 2) Cable is fucked 3) If your computer cannot detect the Ipod, then naturally, your Ipod has some problem of its own. 4) Your cousin stole the Ipod. :p 5) Are you puitting it in the A/C adaptor thing? 6) Try resetting Ipod. 7) Hand it to an Apple...
  4. santaslayer

    Jury Duty

    Yeah, that's correct. Thank you Ms 12. Thank you again. :p These people must have difficulty when reading cases in their law classes. :rolleyes: Yep. LoLz. :rolleyes: Simply put, the teaching of pure legal technicalities without the consideration of social and economical...
  5. santaslayer

    Jury Duty

    I agree. I can honestly say that I did not deserve the UAI I got. (even though it still wasn't too crash hot :p) I chose subjects that had interelating topics ...globalisation, aboriginals, consumer stuff..workplace issues...etc... studying one textbook was enough for me to pass...
  6. santaslayer

    Jury Duty

    We produce better lawyers because we don't only get taught blackletter/chalk + board law. We get to learn stuff about the socioeconomic reasonings as a background to what we learn technically, thus allowing lawyers to be more sympathetic and stuff... It was even in the SMH... I think it's...
  7. santaslayer

    i dont get it....

    No No. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being a prick. :p I inserted that because I was commenting about how people whinge about not getting into law because someone (who doesn't like law) got in instead. It was used to acknowledge the fact that she had ALREADY got into law. EDIT: Vic...
  8. santaslayer

    Sydney versus UNSW - whats the difference?

    Both unis are percieved to be highly reputable. :p
  9. santaslayer

    How many Gigs of music do you have?

    LoLz. I have 1.98GB. Not ALL music is GOOD music. :p
  10. santaslayer

    Jury Duty

    UoW's student magazine titled Student Matters had something about Jury Duty this month. (They have a million other magz out...i just got hold of this one yesterday-). Jury Duty and Special Consideration The Jury Act 1977 s69 requires all employers to release employees without any penalty...
  11. santaslayer

    frigey and the cops

    If Wen Wen asked why the license was being photographed, I'm sure the police would of had to provide a reasonable answer. I don't think it would be correct if the police did not provide sufficent reasoning. It's not like they thought Frig was a terrorist and used some radical legislation on him...
  12. santaslayer

    i dont get it....

    Well people who are REALLY interested in doing Law should make the effort to get the required marks in order to get in. People who whinge about others who did it for the money/prestige/whateva just makes themselves sound bitter. (I do note that you do law @ Victoria Uni). People do certain...
  13. santaslayer

    What do men want??!!

    Is one enough?
  14. santaslayer

    frigey and the cops

    Wait, one question. What does the photograph of one's license prove?
  15. santaslayer

    Employment Opportunities for Law

    Most politicians have a law degree. :uhhuh: For UoW, maybe anything arts (journalism?)/communications-ish is a good combo for law. :) Marketing sounds ok too.
  16. santaslayer

    Jury Duty

    ...and what does this student @ law do..? or is it just a name/title?
  17. santaslayer

    2005 World Ranking for Universities [Compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni]

    Ahhh fuck i have dialup :p OMG the first pic looks like the path at UNSW at night.... OMG the 7th pic looks like the many random creeks/ponds/rivers we have at UoW OMG the 9th pic looks like my high school gym