Search results

  1. iambored

    Help Bos'ers! MQ Email plz check something

    just quickly googled umap grant. maybe you have to apply separately / only 1 person from each uni gets it / something else? some pages that made me think that qld uni
  2. iambored

    Macquarie Email question

    that sounds great, thanks. mac email is pissing me off at the moment. i never got those emails i sent myself. i have got forwarded mail today though (but in my junk mail) but it beats logging into the mac site to check.
  3. iambored


    cosa studio nessuno qui lo sa! ma studio a macquarie. vedo che studi la psicologia, a te la piace? (ancora ho i problemi con piacere!!)
  4. iambored

    Macquarie Email question

    thank you :D i think i might turn the redirect on for now and see how that goes
  5. iambored

    Macquarie Email question

    cool thanks. 1. i actually want a copy so left in the mac email so that's good 2. cool hopefully it does, i thought it might not because it doesn't do it with junk 3. i have sent myself 2 emails now to try out question 2 and haven't received either of them :rolleyes: that way can you send...
  6. iambored

    Macquarie Email question

    I have some questions about this 1. if i turn on filters and get my mq emails sent to my hotmail account, does the email turn up both in the mq inbox AND my hotmail inbox, or only hotmail? 2. if i add a folder to my hotmail account and put a filter on it, so that all emails from my mac...
  7. iambored


    ciao mel_ling!! e' molto bello da vederti dopo cosi' tanti anni! anch'io ho ricevuto una email che mi ha detto che questo thread aveva una risposta (ma visito questo forum molto spesso ancora, piu' che altro per la sezione dalla mia universita'). sarebbe bello se alcn'altro da 03 avesse...
  8. iambored

    Conception Day '06!!!!!11

    i think so, but i don't remember details like that well the sign looks like the left side of their site (colour and font)
  9. iambored

    Conception Day '06!!!!!11

    you'd probably know it if you saw it, you would drive past it if you were going towards epping. it's on the other side of epping road
  10. iambored

    10 reasons why I should study at MQ

    more seriously we cbb to type anything useful because we have done it so many...
  11. iambored

    10 reasons why I should study at MQ

    Becoming part of this forum should be enough of a reason :D
  12. iambored

    when will the search option be fixed ?

    I doubt it, it usually comes up with a message that the search term was is too short if I do that and I think I have learnt from my mistakes (I can't be sure of what I have searched for when that has happened through). :)
  13. iambored

    when will the search option be fixed ?

    Well I don't know if they have the same problem as me but every now and then it doesn't work well for me. I might search for one of my own posts, using a word that I know I have used in the recent past and it says no posts found. Once I tried it out with words I could see used in posts, but it...
  14. iambored

    Conception Day '06!!!!!11

    i keep getting sick this semester. so i've had a fun day. great (sarcastic, but ok) morning - home - lunch - sleep - currently up to take tablets. plan: sleep hope everyone else has a fun conception day :) it's less likely that there is something wrong with you because you feel out of...
  15. iambored

    Conception Day '06!!!!!11

    yeah not club clothes, you don't want them to get wrecked. especially the shoes. people may step on them.
  16. iambored

    I'm going on EXCHANGE next semester!!! :D:D

    congrats! annoying about the grant though :S
  17. iambored

    WebCT discussion boards

    in one of our subjects we could post annonymously. i think the convenors could see who were were though
  18. iambored

    WebCT discussion boards

    oh crap thanks lcf you're a life saver!! i wonder if i would have remembered to submit my assignment if i hadn't read that post!! *phew*
  19. iambored

    WebCT discussion boards

    haha - closing off boards! not in such an extreme form i think in stat170 we had some guy post something kind of offensive about one of the lecturers, on the discussion boards :rolleyes: and that was pretty amusing, the lecturer replied and everything, but that's all
  20. iambored

    Hotness: how has uni changed your perspective?

    How has uni changed your perspective? I find it hard to remember what I was like before uni. My friends tell me I have changed, I don’t know how. I think in essence I am the same, so uni probably hasn't changed my perspective that much, but just brought stuff out more / concreted things / made...