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  1. iambored

    is it rude to uninvite a guy to your formal??

    yes i think it is rude. when inviting someone it's done. if the situation is a bit different like he's now your ex then it might be ok.
  2. iambored

    double spacing

    i'm not laughing at you. just seems funny to me because i'm reading a different essay question every week at the moment with the same instructions
  3. iambored

    double spacing

    hahaha i second that it's the lines edit: because they never (that i have known of) want the words double spaced, it's pointless, it doesn't make it easier to read, if anything it'd be harder
  4. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    i don't like the pink ones that much. nice for a try.
  5. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    don't forget the avocado!
  6. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    i never thought about how hard it would be to use crutches (besides the balance thing). i wouldn't last long. but yes. on the same lines i am very grateful when they don't complain when they could have many times my time is on GMT+10
  7. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    breakfast - egg, toast lunch - bread roll with cheese, lettuce arvo tea - asian pear fruit too many chips!!! the salt was killing me, the flavour was giving me a headache but i'm addicted dinner - steak, lettuce, tomato 10:20pm ;) glass of milk edit: wow the bos clock is fixed
  8. iambored

    did i not get paid or is there a delay?

    but you did work sunday as you didn't realise they crossed it out? they have to pay you. i don't know if they are allowed to do that but it's annoying when they do because how are you supposed to know there is a change?! if they do that i wouldn't worry too much about having worked the wrong...
  9. iambored

    James Morrison

    nah. yeah the one who looks like a james blunt clone.
  10. iambored

    James Morrison

    I searched for a thread on him but couldn't find anything then was waiting for someone to make one sarah168, same with me, definitely my artist of the moment as well. unfortunately i have listened to some of his songs so many times that i am sure tiring of him is just around the corner, but...
  11. iambored

    The MQ BOSers you ran into today...

    pwar what were you wearing today? edit: white shirt, beige pants? i only got 1/2 a look at the guy
  12. iambored

    The MQ BOSers you ran into today...

    woah glitter, that's one long post, i just scrolled past it. i will now read it, i just had to comment first :D edit: :lol: @ visions of you in a trolley :eek: @ thoughts of losing what you love doing and have worked hard for but yey that everything will hopefully be ok in time!
  13. iambored

    The Little Mermaid

    is out on DVD tomorrow!! well that's what the hmv site says :D :D edit: almost 2 years ago i told someone to be patient and that it should be out soon woot, i've waited so long
  14. iambored

    Looking forward to...

    i'm looking forward to having a break, summer, parties, visitors, having a reorganised music system. but that's not what gets me through everyday, the days end too quickly - too much to do, so little time.
  15. iambored

    Incomplete premium membership

    aha! thanks riviet, i couldn't find the group memberships tab
  16. iambored

    Incomplete premium membership

    as for 1. i think there is supposed to be an option somewhere, but i can't find one, and, i thought maybe 2. only worked when you had 1. enabled 3. same, but i think that is normal, because on the main page it says there are 2 threads there
  17. iambored

    The MQ BOSers you ran into today...

    haha um, i'm not good at those questions. i can generally say the not side of them - i don't like wearing trackies out of the house (so i don't like feeling too casual). i don't like wearing runners if i'm not playing sport. that's about all. along the same lines, i don't know if i will wear one...
  18. iambored

    Uni off tomorrow? (mon 2nd Oct)

    oh no :( but you'll get good pay
  19. iambored

    Uni off tomorrow? (mon 2nd Oct)

    <3 but it's my own fault i did get a lot of other stuff done that i needed to do during the break (but about 1/4 of what i wanted), but it was more fun stuff, now it's back to the not-so-fun stuff
  20. iambored

    The MQ BOSers you ran into today...

    the dress is very nice, i think i want a bubble dress now :p portmans is ok, yes way overpriced, so is sportsgirl, even moreso. as for quality, i don't trust it ever since i bought a bag and it didn't last 5 wears. then again i pulled out some pants from there from years ago that i had worn...