Search results

  1. iambored

    Australian Idol 2006

    Dean is the type that you love initally, he has a great voice but not fantastic, great looks, good songs, but there are too many of his type out there, so he's also the type you get over quickly i love ricky, but he reminds me of callea so he might get old a bit faster than he deserves to i...
  2. iambored

    MAQ Mid Semester Holidays!

    i have things due the first day back. i have finals short essays to prepare for, lots of them. if i was home every day, took 3 days for each thing due first day back, and 1/2 day on each short essay, i would be only half done!!! :/ but i'm not going to be home every day + need to organise stuff...
  3. iambored

    Dutch courage and job interviews

    Re: Dutch courage and job interviews - do they mix? I don't like the idea. As you said it wouldn't be personal, but if they work it out or smell alcohol on your breath or something then you have no chance. Plus, you don't know what they're looking for. Maybe you'll come actross as too loud.
  4. iambored


    I don't think so,surf shops seem to have the standard triangle bikini and that's all at the moment.
  5. iambored

    The Macquarie Birthday Thread

    ^^ no, but that's what my profile says :)
  6. iambored

    Australian Idol 2006

    I liked all of them tonight. But Levina was a bit boring, everyone does that song. Dean, Lisa and Joseph were a bit weak in their singing. But I probably want Klancie to go because I like her music the least.
  7. iambored

    The Macquarie Birthday Thread

    happy (belated?) bday pwar!! (did you say it was on open day?) hope you had a good day
  8. iambored

    Facciamo una chiacchierata

    Ciao a tutti, Come state? So che alcune di voi volete praticare l'italiano - qui e' il posto. Allora per incominciare dimmi qualcosa di interessante. Io devo fare un compito, ma a questo momento sto procrastinando :rolleyes: Ok, vado a fare il compito e ritorno quando ho fatto qualcosa...
  9. iambored


    Re: Class of 2007 Hsc italian... Ciao Gemstar, Questo 'thread' e' da 3 anni fa. Allora, non scriviamo in italiano ancora. Attualmente, la maggior parte delle persone che hanno scritto qui non vengono al questo 'forum' ancora. Ma, io penso che sia un buon idea d'avere un nuovo 'thread' dove...
  10. iambored

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread yeah the rest of the system works for me but not the databases to get journal articles (i just checked again). this happened 2 weeks ago and they came back up pretty quickly, last weekend the problems started with webct, not just the...
  11. iambored

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread 9/9/06 10:30am DATABASES DOWN :chainsaw: i downloaded papers at 2am this morning because i knew this would happen but the one i want to work on at the moment i musn't have saved AND i WILL need others. i should be able to get a fair bit done...
  12. iambored

    MQ Open Day

    haha wouldn't most guys think that it was good?
  13. iambored

    Got a few minutes? Lynny needs your help! :)

    interesting fact: do you know that apparently most of the paths at mac are actually man made? as in they waited to see where the dirt streaks appeared and then made them paths. ??? why don't people do that in my lectures so i didn't do these straight out because i couldn't think of...
  14. iambored

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2006)

    Re: The Official 'Spam Thread that belongs in NS but is for USYDers only' Thread :wave:
  15. iambored

    Another one bites the dust......

    waaaaittt... will only undergrad degree fees be rising?
  16. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    pb, i don't know how tall you are but [edit: your weight] is light. i'm thinking it's to the lighter side of someone who is 5' and it's definitely light for someone of 5'5
  17. iambored

    Another one bites the dust......

    I think it's only for new students, hence the pre-2005 and from 2005 hecs forms
  18. iambored

    The Macquarie Birthday Thread

    because your birthday is the 29 may? 1974? ( ;) much like i think my birthday is the 22 august?)
  19. iambored

    The Macquarie Birthday Thread

    happy bday miss_gtr!! how much cake did you eat?
  20. iambored

    academic transcript

    yes it does since no one seems to know the answer i will give you my idea i think if you complete the GLP, it will be written at the bottom somewhere i think no extracurricular stuff is written i'm not sure about 1sts - if you get a prize it might be written at the bottom as well