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  1. iambored

    Those who have transferred --

    you could try getting a waiver for the subject so you can enrol anyway while you are waiting to be transferred over.
  2. iambored

    you tube

    I get this message Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Click here to get the latest flash player. javescript is on. i installed the flash player and restarted the computer and it still doesn't work. any ideas? thanks
  3. iambored

    similar music

    Some songs you can listen to over and over for years and never get sick of them. Selected songs from switchfoot, lifehouse, howie day, david franj and probably the fray are on that list. What bands / singers have similar music that I am missing out on?
  4. iambored

    The Fray

    oh my hahahah i came into the music section to search for any post on them and maybe make a post on them. this was the top thread. i've only heard 2 of their songs so far, probably the most popular 2 - over my head and how to save a life <3 <3 <3 they definitely remind me of switchfoot...
  5. iambored

    enrolling in units

    me either, when that happened to me i thought i couldn't do the extra subject. and i remember explaining to someone what happened and they said "huh, don't you mean max number of cp?" - basically, it doesn't make sense. maybe it's so people know when they have finished certain requirements?
  6. iambored

    Kill Coop!!!

    Last year the owner lady told me if it was in its original shrinkwrap you can return it from about a week after you bought it.
  7. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    doesn't it always seem to happen that way? you do something for someone, you want the best for them and they complain, say things will never change, they probably believe things will never change as well. next thing they have totally surpassed you and it feels like they are stepping all over you...
  8. iambored

    Pimples Help

    ^^^ :confused: can they do that? i'd be offended / feel stupid.
  9. iambored

    Telling The Truth - Today Tonight and BB

    In light of what I learnt in the Telling the Truth Module in year 12 I thought it was very interesting. Of course, we can't believe what the BBBA site tells us either ;) but I think we have good reason to, considering they are the voice of truth during the BB seasons (apparently).. and moreso...
  10. iambored

    Conception Day '06!!!!!11

    ditching study? maybe at uts... because our classes should be cancelled from about 1pm onwards, and it's the last day of semester, so who studies? (unless you're one of the lucky ones who had an exam the day after conception day last year)
  11. iambored

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    you've done so so well clairegirl. it would hard having a friend who lost it so fast to compare yourself to but it is probably just personal differences, unfortunately. what you know is right is the best thing to do and when you lose the weight, no matter how long it takes, by doing it the...
  12. iambored

    enrolling in units

    have you use all your credit points up? maybe estudent is stuffing up.
  13. iambored

    Conception Day '06!!!!!11

    and after the 18 August... ? That's only week 3. I won't know if I am going by week 3.
  14. iambored

    Kill Coop!!!

    oh wtf! at least i saved mine (and my units for next year - ;) i wouldn't be able to access these from the portal) onto my computer. in this case i hope they are like terrorists, i don't want to buy from coop but there isn't anywhere else to buy from.
  15. iambored

    Web CT Access

    ok thanks, maybe i will wait until the first lecture then
  16. iambored

    Web CT Access

    is anyone else locked out of semester 2 subjects? i was being patient but maybe i should contact for help now before the first week of semester.
  17. iambored

    Coop Bookshop

    i didn't know about that feature - thanks. co op is annoying to navigate. happy bday cpjeeves, you're a young 03er :angry: what absolute bs, they could never deal with the competition. co op is such a monopoly.
  18. iambored

    How to make up cp if you've failed

    I think it took them 3 days when I had to do the same thing. They could be faster if they are less busy.
  19. iambored

    am I cruel?

    haha no, in first year i used to laugh too. at the moment i have no feelings towards the whole thing
  20. iambored

    Coop Bookshop

    That's interesting then, Texts In the City has gone. That would also explain why coop is having a limited time only 15% off - last time they did the promotions because of the other shop, and kept the 15% off for the whole semester.