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  1. santaslayer

    Modifying File Extensions

    Thanks dude. :)
  2. santaslayer

    Modifying File Extensions

    Hey, I have XP and I just downloaded an MP3. The MP3 has a file extension of 'TEST' and normally, I would just right click the file and rename it to music.mp3.. what i did just then, was double click on the file and chose itunes to be the file opener. Now it will only open itunes but not play...
  3. santaslayer

    Where's your computer located?

    Mine's usually on my study desk in my bedroom. It can be anywhere else as well since it's a laptop. :p
  4. santaslayer

    silly help

    : p with no spaces if that's what you mean. You can also click on them if you go to the advanced reply mode. :p :) :rolleyes:
  5. santaslayer

    First Thing

    I'm an ass man.
  6. santaslayer

    How to ask the girl of my dreams out...

    Ask her after the HSC is over. This is the crappiest time eva.
  7. santaslayer

    non-graduate law?

    I never knew that! :p
  8. santaslayer

    Quick question about early entry

    Yeah, that could work, I don't think they have any way to find out. Do they? You only need 10 units're doing a million...
  9. santaslayer

    Ipod help

    Wait, but can't you just save the music as a file (iPod acting as a hard disk) and directly 'install' (whateva the word is) it onto your computer?
  10. santaslayer

    B COMMERCE at nsw or com/law at macq

    They would choose the graduate that the company is currently dominated with.
  11. santaslayer

    legal workaholism

    hah! that's if the educational institution deems you good enough!
  12. santaslayer

    non-graduate law?

    I believe a law degree will equip you with many skills that are offered in various singular degrees. The thing is that I think the further tertiary degree will dictate where you end up.
  13. santaslayer

    How many of you have taken the risk

    Mother I'd Like To Fuck (MILF)... used a lot in pornos...mothers starring... i dont look at porn, someone else told me what a MILF was...:p
  14. santaslayer

    B COMMERCE at nsw or com/law at macq

    He has a strong interest in money.
  15. santaslayer

    Ipod Madness

    actually, theres a piano background sound.... dont worry, fixed it...thanks :) sorry for hijacking thread...
  16. santaslayer

    Ipod Madness

    Nearly like an echo...but more a pianoish sound at times...the sound keeps changing! how do i stop it???????? arrgghhh
  17. santaslayer

    Ipod Madness

    To save me making a new thread about Ipod's. Can someone tell me why mine is making ghey sounds whilst it's playing. It has a piano-ish sound in the background for ALL of my songs and pissing me off. I noticed that unbder Settings> EQ, that there are some things you can do to alter the...
  18. santaslayer

    Banned from the irc #hsc

    Weren't you swearing? Pissing somone who had banning powers? That was intelligent.
  19. santaslayer

    Quick question about early entry

    Early Entry? Fuck off you prick. Try for scholarship, fucking nerd. :p