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  1. santaslayer


    I don't know whether Mr bearpooh is for real or he's just trying to get our attention...LoLz.
  2. santaslayer

    Students of Mac U's Law Professor, Andrew Fraser

    LoLz, that's a nice reason why he should be suspended... The debate over your stated views is threatening to spill over into the classroom," and such a risk to safety could not be allowed. "Your comments have elicited such a strong response from students, staff and the public that it is...
  3. santaslayer

    Jeans - colour coming off

    It does? WoW... me tries... thanks :)
  4. santaslayer

    My story, yet again

    lexi, u r one hard working and determined nerd. :uhhuh: r3speCt!
  5. santaslayer

    Role of jury is to decide matters of the truth; judges decide matters of the law.

    ehh.. judge=law jury=facts.. that is correct/...
  6. santaslayer

    Offer non-believers ethics, schools told

    fuck ethics... if u do believe in them...u will follow them even though they aren't taught... if u aren't an ethical type of person, then no matter how brainwashing.....nothing will work... ethics for professional purposes though, should be kept.
  7. santaslayer

    the castle

    That's an old movie... u suck..:p if they wanna build a freeway on top of ur home then yes...ur screwed...
  8. santaslayer

    Students of Mac U's Law Professor, Andrew Fraser

    There aint no free speech laws in this country I didn't think... The creature got around it by prosing it as a political/academic debate or something...
  9. santaslayer


    *confused* I'm computer spastic...
  10. santaslayer


    I found that quite amusing. :p
  11. santaslayer


    and wtf r they?
  12. santaslayer

    Those who wanna study law next year

    u dunno...maybe usyd's cutoff may dramatically drop!
  13. santaslayer

    different law schools could you give me the method as to how they calculate the employment rate for the 'other degree' then? If you do a Commerce/LLB degree and gain employment in the Commerce field, then I guess they would put you as a statistic in the 'commerce employment field' If you do the same...
  14. santaslayer

    different law schools

    LoLz. Then where? Oh right...Hungry Jacks flipping burgers I guess...:p
  15. santaslayer

    AMC gives thumbs up for UWS Medical School

    pfffttt...uow will have a postgrad med faculty soon...:p nahhh...its good, but like inaesro said b4...people will get into med a LOT easier than b4. :uhhuh:
  16. santaslayer

    thread disappearance?

    Your post was probably offensive or, in some other way, broke certain rules of this forum. The more popular reason though, is because the mods were on a power trip...LoLz
  17. santaslayer

    Do we NEED a woman on the high court?

    Moonlight, it wasn't meant to be an argument at all...just a random statement/observation of what MIGHT happen with a female judge's decision. Also, yes, I still believe that one's gender will be significantly influential in their judgements. I can't see why it won't, unless you can point me...
  18. santaslayer

    What is TAFE like?

    and become one of them?
  19. santaslayer

    How good to u have to be to pass law?

    Wait, frigid has 2 classes/week... does that mean 30 pages each class??? coz that's quite a load... esp when he wanted to add an EXTRA subject of law this semester...LoLz NTB: Yes you discuss some aspects of of your readings but it's always a struggle to fit everything in...