but he should of done it thru other means...
like adverts or whateva...not bloody look inot everyone's email address...
he does a computer course too...don't u'z usually submit everything onto the uni's system?...LoLz
Yes, I've been engaging in dodgy transactions and I've been 'cooking the books', but because I'm an honest lawyer, I'm going to admit to my mistakes and tell the world about it. I'll only be risking my career and a lengthy gaol sentence.
why do i cop so much shit from u??...:p
what's more...It aint a rebuttal...since i have no intention of rebutting anything...because u never told me u didn't suck...if u told me u rocked...THEN it would be a rebuttal...not a very good rebuttal...but one neverthelest...:)
use something...
that's a parent's RESPONSIBILITY...to uphold the child's rights.
Both parent's and child have rights and responsibilities.
Go look at CROC (Convention on the rights of the child) for an international perspective and a 10000 other statutes that convey the same notion.