oh 10 bucks? you can get an ok meal with that anywhere. plate of asian or thai food is probably that much, a chicken schnitzel sandwich, footlong subway, oportos, plate of italian food.
the spuds and crepes are nice but probably not value for money.
my desk is unable to be seen. i have a pile of papers and clothes dumped on top of it. so i am messy, and maybe insane. i don't do any work at it :o
i'm still waiting for your movie to load
i can't think of anything cheap. maybe you could find something in woolies. all the food at mac centre and our food court is expensive.
to answer your question, i generally bring food, so when i buy it i don't really care how much it costs. i probably buy an even amount of everything.
how the hell do you know what you are wearing the day before?
what i wear comes down to what is in my cupboard / drawer, what the temperature is like and what i haven't worn for a while. i think after today i have 0 winter clothes ironed, i should really do that now.
i only know what people...
HAHAHA i come to threads expecting normal convo and i keep getting very amusing convo!!
ok so wth does the z have to do with me being or not being asian? or middle eastern? maybe basic is best.. typo?? hahaha
fine fine, i will go back to being asexual since people don't seem to realise...
they used to have markets at uni every now and then. you know like paddy's markets? but much smaller and only a few of them. i think they had a stall for jewellery, cds, clothes
sounds like i'm missing out.. bean bag room? chillout room?
my favourite place would have to be further down from the harry potter statue whether alone or with people. it's so spacious, airy, pretty, quietish and green.
my next favourite place is probably the grass next to the library, for...
It's better to look at celebrity hairstyles because they change their look so often that there is a huge range of up to to date styles
www.gettyimages.com, "editorial" is great
who says i go to uni more than asy? i have mentioned i'm on a semester long holiday :p
haha i thought the gender thing was already established? i have been restraining from that forum for so long now *runs to fashion forum in girly way*
and the teasing.. ok for a joke, uncomfortable if it...
i'd like to, give me about 2 weeks to finish assignments. by then i can see what we already have and if there is anything to add
also non-award, if there is anything we can add there. but surely that stuff is on a uni site somewhere but we seem to get a lot of questions.
dress well? suits? 'bling' but casino style?
Depending on the type of establishment you're running, you might want some guests to be patrons, and others to work the tables. Provide your dealers with visors and arm garters, and make sure your gamblers are dressed to the nines --...
I'm trying to remember back to when I was first year. Maybe some of the good posts about GPA, credit points, making timetables and so on can be complied. We get asked those questions every year. I think we also need something on short term and semester exchanges, since they have become popular.
hmm.. i don't know, but remember the formals are towards the end of the year too. i guess the prices in normal shops might be a bit better towards stocktake / mid year sales time.
what type of dress are you after? what do you see as the difference between summer and winter dresses?