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  1. santaslayer

    reputation of melb uni & monash uni for com/law

    Yes I understand. That's why I gave you a reverse example from UoW. :) It just shows how sexy UoW is.
  2. santaslayer

    reputation of melb uni & monash uni for com/law

    It just means that their published first round cutoff is exaggerated. I can't think of any other explanation. Look velox, UoW's arts/law cutoff was around 91+ in its first round. It skyrocketed to about 98+ in it's final offer. UoW has certain courses that have exaggerated cutoffs as...
  3. santaslayer

    reputation of melb uni & monash uni for com/law

    Lack of quantity.... ...bustin with quality...:p
  4. santaslayer

    reputation of melb uni & monash uni for com/law

    It takes me an hour and 10mins from Hurstville Station. If you don't live anywhere near Hurstville or you have never heard of that suburb then you SHOULD kill yourself. :p An hour and a half from Central. (I hope you have heard of that place before. :p) EDIT: It aint a town, tis a city...
  5. santaslayer

    reputation of melb uni & monash uni for com/law

    I always thought Monash was the better university overall? Anyway, this thing about reputation and connections isn't really applicable nowdays. If you really had to do law at the BEST-est uni in the whole wide world then I would say UoW. All solid evidence indicates that UoW is the highest...
  6. santaslayer

    Australian University Teaching Rankings

    Yes. It does mean UoW is the best-est uni in the whole wide world. The federal government are paying UoW $250million. They aren't going to get the rankings wrong. They would ensure the funding ONLY goes to the greatest achieving tertiary institution. They want to improve national standards...
  7. santaslayer

    B Laws v B Laws(combined studies)

    You must be in a pretty good school then. Top 50%!!! We had to be about top 2%, but then I didn't go to a very intelligent school. LoLz.
  8. santaslayer

    Australian University Teaching Rankings

    Nothing we didn't know about already. :p (Now jm1234567890, change the thread title of this one as well please. :p) Another article about how UoW rox: Wollongong's starring role in the 2006 Good Universities Guide Aug 02, 2005...
  9. santaslayer

    @Santaslayer: UOW tops rankings

    Fucken Hell. Exactly! :uhhuh: LoLz
  10. santaslayer

    B Laws v B Laws(combined studies)

    UTS is the only university in Sydney (at least) that offers a straight, undergraduate LLB degree. Looking at the UAI for it, I'd choose a combined. At least I'd get my UAI's worth! :p
  11. santaslayer

    University of Notre Dame, Sydney Satellite Campus

    Yes, we all do. See...? :p EDIT: (ignore 1st link)
  12. santaslayer

    @Santaslayer: UOW tops rankings least it has my name again... but it sounds much sexier in its original title: "A thread for santaslayer" anyway, thanks. :p
  13. santaslayer

    BoS down, ERROR messages

    yep thats what i do all my on my computer and hope that bos gets up and running again asap. :uhhuh: :p
  14. santaslayer

    What are all Comm/Law people thinking of majoring in?

    La~Creme~Da~La~Creme for finance...LoLz? Insurance=job security for accounting. oimnidragon, no specialisations in LLB but you may choose a few electives like family law, international law in your 4th year onwards....etc. and no, i didnt think u could major in bus law if u were doing...
  15. santaslayer

    @Santaslayer: UOW tops rankings

    jm1234567890, I don't think that title is any good. You should change it back to what it was. I want a thread dedicated to myself. How do I appeal this? Do I send you a PM or do I do it in this very thread? Do I send it to you or do I have to send it to your immediate boss Minai/admins? :p
  16. santaslayer

    Relationship Survey

    1. What does your partner offer you that you didn't have before? Wild sex 2. What do you offer your partner that they don't have? Wild sex 3. What is it about your relationship that keeps you together? Wild sex 4. Do you see your relationship going somewhere or are you just...
  17. santaslayer

    B Laws v B Laws(combined studies)

    A combined degree will always give you freedom, flexibility and broader areas where you could work in. That being said, you just wanna get your arse into the Bar, so go for the UTS LLB if that's the case.
  18. santaslayer

    why did you chose the degree you are doing?

    B Comm/LLB: Because I'm AzN. Other options included: Med Actuarial (but i was too shit for those two) :p
  19. santaslayer

    @Santaslayer: UOW tops rankings

    Thanks Generator. :) The above information is already widely known. It's just that the percieved top uiniverisites like to brainwash little kiddies with their sandstone-ness. I'm sure more educated people like yourself understand that UoW rox. :p Some other random article about how UoW rox...