Uhh..I just read (HK newspaper) that because BangKok is experiencing a heavy depletion in water supplies, some of the hotels/traveler accommadation places use sewage water. The situation is so serious that even the prostitutes have to use it to treat their horny customers. (drinking water and...
Keep your pride. You look like a fucktard if you start going down on your knees. It makes them go all egotistical and won't make the situation better at all. You'll make them feel good for dumping you.
Defragging an 80Gig drive takes me about 45mins..
It's noticably quicker. (Files jump up quicker), but that speediness doesnt last too long.
Defragging puts your files into segments doesnt it? So files aren't all over the place, which comes from deleting, modifying and installing files.
Yeah you can drop a complete degree, take on a different one or modify it to some extent.
LLB however, cannot be a standalone degree at most universities. (except UTS)
For all those ladies who like to be on top. Think about this:
HOW good at sex is a person legally required to be? If, through lack of reasonable care, you injure your lover in a car accident or decorating incident, you are liable...
God that was quick.
MY uncle (who lives in HK) is the CEO of HP Singapore. Would you like me to list some of the degrees he's completed?
Yes, business food chain, in order to profit. I'm not dissing anyone who knows the consumer's tastes and interests. You do understand that the study of...
1) Talking about an education at tertiary level will inevitably lead to the discussion of career paths within your chosen degree. I was only merley attempting to illustrate the fact that CEO's 'should' be a prime example of someone who is fairly well educated and thinks about things as a whole...
1) Anything Law(duh), but the science bit depends on your major.
2) No, no life. Science is waaaay demanding when it comes to contact hours.
3) B Commerce/ LLB is the more popular one nowdays because of its percieved relavence (in a LOT of fields). B Arts/LLB is the 'traditional degree'...