check the unit webpage / check webct / post the name of the unit and see if anyone has done it / turn up anyway / skip anyway / ring the department tomorrow morning
most likely it is not on, but whether you have a tute in the first week or not has nothing to do with whether you have had a...
Look at the adult's weekly pay
find the percentage next to your name
work out that percentage of the adult's pay - that is the weekly pay for your age.
the weekly wage for an adult will be based on a number of hours, maybe 40 hours. you have to find the number of hours written somewhere...
for anyone still wondering about tutes and pracs it's a good idea to check the unit webpage or webct as some lecturers have started updating with messages or have linked the unit outline which says whether there are tutes in the first week.
SweetSeasons, I honestly think you shouldn't beat yourself up over him. All relationships have great moments or the people in them wouldn't stay. It's the other times that show a person's true character.
I think the regret is definitely a factor, but you shouldn't live with regret if you can...
I think what you miss is what you will find in your next b/f anyway. What you don't miss are signs of his immaturity and instability which would ultimately have lead to a harder break up later if it didn't happen now.
But you didn't which means it's nothing to dwell over. I think his complaining about giving up pot shows a lot of his (immature) character - pot is generally for 16 year olds. So is complaining they 'have to' give up pot. You can do better than that.
You won't get over him quickly but imo...
try bringing up something different to talk about then. it's easy to talk about useless crap, people don't need to think before talking and it doesn't cause them to get worked up or worry about important things, of course people will take the easy way out. if you tried a more serious...