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  1. iambored


    because they're being eaten at the bbq ;)
  2. iambored

    Macquarie Lifestyle

    so can i get this clear... have they also got rid of the wedges?? :eek: pfft, sif i ever go upstairs again i'll live off my staple of sushi and hot chips :uhhuh:
  3. iambored

    If you could change one thing...

    that they would hurry up with the constuction so we don't have to debate about traffic jams and arteries that's about all
  4. iambored


    just because other unis don't have rabbits....
  5. iambored

    'It' is coming!

    check out the new maccas site, it makes me a bit dizzy but besides that it's fantastic
  6. iambored

    'It' is coming!

    the flame itself is really familiar, where is it from? an advertisement? edit: a flame grilled chicken burger ad?
  7. iambored

    Friendly Message from the Library

    haha you're so enthusiastic, i love it, did you feel like rebelling in your second week of highschool? i figured uni would have more graffiti because it's less personalised so there is less guilty feeling. although friendly, it's more of a large institution rather than a tight-knit community.
  8. iambored

    Friendly Message from the Library

    someone has been having fun with a camera phone (?) lately :p
  9. iambored

    Macquarie Lifestyle

    ok, i'm getting the vibe that they have changed the upstairs cafe? i haven't been up there yet this year. does that mean there aren't any kebabs? :uhoh: why aren't sam making things better so we want to pay fees next semester?
  10. iambored

    *sigh* letters disappearing in word

    it's ok, it wasn't too much, the majority is there, thanks fatmuscle i checked the backup files and they are so random. it's like word decided to save only 1 file i was working on every 3 months for the past 3 years.
  11. iambored

    *sigh* letters disappearing in word

    Word 2002 it's never happened before changing a font does nothing and all the other files i have used this afternoon have been fine i will google about finding backups otherwise i will retype it. it's only the start of semester, at least it's not before an exam thanks
  12. iambored

    *sigh* letters disappearing in word

    wtf i am typing in word i wanted to see how many times i had pressed the space bar so i clicked that icon (to show where the page breaks are, spaces, enters etc.) the first page of my notes TURNED TO SQUARES. there are no letters, just squares. i can't view that page on print preview, when i...
  13. iambored

    I had a BOS encounter!

    haha maybe a little ;) and you've mentioned the thread idea before, i'm sure
  14. iambored

    I had a BOS encounter!

    haha, i am aware that i have slipped up and if any of you work out who i am some of you will then know how. i would be interested to know what you all know about me but don't make a thread because i will ask for it to be deleted [edit: don't post it either. i was just stating that it would be...
  15. iambored

    compressing files

    but how do you put the file back together? the person i am emailing to wouldn't be bothered to do anything technical but i have been interested in something similar - 2 hour ilectures don't fit onto 1 cd. how can i split the audio file so that i can put it onto 2 cds?
  16. iambored

    Long distance relationships . . . do they ever work?.?.

    i don't think it was stupid to attempt it. if you knew the person from before and you have spent a lot of time together and then they move away, it's obvious you should attempt it, and it will probably last if you knew the person from before and you spent a little time together, you...
  17. iambored

    compressing files

    Ok thanks everyone, yeah I'm emailing, I think I will resort to the old burn-and-hand to the person method.
  18. iambored

    Need Advice :(

    Can you use the subjects you have studied to credit towards another degree? It really depends on why you have failed the subjects, if you feel the degree is right for you and what else is going on in your life. If you have failed because the workload is too much or you have too much else...
  19. iambored

    I had a BOS encounter!

    1) Photos 2) Seeing people from photos with other people and you get to know a bit about the people here, who they know, their names, what they study and so on so you can work out who the other people are
  20. iambored

    compressing files

    How would I find out if files use high compression? It's a quicktime movie