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  1. iambored

    co workers

    I really don't give a crap about economical development because I don't rate it high on my priorities so I will not mention any of that. Simply because I don't think people should be so focused on money when there are so many more important things. So as for the social development, I...
  2. iambored

    co workers

    There is no benefit. Why does there have to be? It's plain and simple that you might just feel like crap and don't want to go anywhere. You're not going to be productive when you want to cry all the time. You can't just think about them for a day on their funeral and then go back to your own...
  3. iambored

    Does anyone else sleep in their car?

    turn the car off and sit in the one place, someone has to come back to their car while you're sitting there
  4. iambored

    I had a BOS encounter!

    :rofl: why the hell would she ask that irl?
  5. iambored


    What's the price of a normal 6-inch? Subtract about 20c from that. That price is the price of a 6-inch and the smallest drink. (yes, cryptic sort of way to work it out but i can't remember any exact details!)
  6. iambored

    Breakfast? merrylands... what is the best sushi at macquarie centre? the one at uni definitely doesn't have enough smoked salmon
  7. iambored

    Tute satisfaction

    It just puts them on the spot and it doesn't mean they will prepare for the tute. If people don't have anything to say, they don't have anything to say.
  8. iambored


    yes there is a maccas there, near the ice rink I think you should go to mac centre. in the morning it is really easy to find a park and you have variety (bakers delight, maccas, woolies, boost, muffin break)
  9. iambored

    Does anyone else sleep in their car?

    no i don't sleep in cars in carparks
  10. iambored

    Tute satisfaction

    But you know people who don't do their own work don't get the marks in the exams anyway so why care? Doing your own work is the difference between a P and a HD, most of the time. I used to hate it when people 'scammed' off me, moreso at school, at uni I haven't cared as much because it's...
  11. iambored

    Withdraw from a unit

    then just go part time for the final semester? if you mean you have done all subjects and credit points for your degree and only have 2 subjects left for the final semester, then go part time for that semester or add another subject if you mean there are only 2 of your second year subjects...
  12. iambored

    Withdraw from a unit

    yeah 9cp is full time.
  13. iambored

    Withdraw from a unit

    It's probably the lecturers who make rules for their subjects then because technically you should be able to add until census date
  14. iambored

    Withdraw from a unit

    I think you can still add until the 31st
  15. iambored

    how's nandos chicken? for some info
  16. iambored

    Truth or Lies?

    If there was a link on her blog to the other blog I hardly think you were 'going through her stuff.'
  17. iambored


    yes because it mentions the 'international partners' it sounds like it is a course overseas
  18. iambored

    We are on the ABC!!!

    :rofl: nice work
  19. iambored

    Club Mac

    it redirects to the main forum page for me edit: the link is wrong. the link is for :)
  20. iambored

    Macquarie Lifestyle

    where did you find that one out?