Re: n e one on here do psy222 except me?
to add to MJs description of how to get to Baker's - if you go to the newsagent (near myer on the same floor as the kids clothes, i think it's level 2)and walk between the newsagent and the chemist that is across from it , walk in the direction away from...
and it's a good idea to use 'to' more often than 'too' if you have to choose one of them
I can also tell you what not to do: Don't ignore people because after enough time most will play the game right back at you and ignore you too. They'll think you don't like them.
to contact convenors:
this is our handbook
on the left there is a link to 'units.' look up your units. the handbook gives a staff contact
this is our staff page
type in the name of the staff contact to find them and their...
i'm not picking it out as a bad thing, i just think it's funny, considering that when i read the price i thought you were selling it for a bit cheap compared to what you paid for it
yes, he's a guy
edit: what happened to the right hand bottom corner stalker see who's browsing the forum box? i like to know if there's likely to be action or if i should go to sleep.
If you're having trouble I'm sure it will be helpful. You can also go to the workshop in your own time when they have people there for stat170 and get help with single questions, which might help you because you will get 1 on 1 help
please rewrite that in english because it sounds like an interesting story
edit: i have finally worked out it's a she, not a he and she didn't sue you, got it
:uhoh: i always sit for 15mins waiting for a parking spot...
it takes longer if i drive around, i miss the spots by driving there is always someone in front of me that snatches it, if i sit, someone has to eventually come to my section and leave
and i don't get agitated, i know someone has...
I think it's unreasonable to think that they would not feel sadness, even if they have a wake. They might have been brought up to feel happiness and celebrate the life but I still think that the hole left in their life would make them feel some sort of sadness. I will research this more when I...
dude, you don't block traffic! you pull over to the left, the cars can pass on the right.
do you all drive around looking for a park? :uhoh: i didn't realise what i do was so uncommon...
The "why does there have to be a benefit?" question I asked was considering a 'social' benefit. That there is no benefit to their social situation in the short term. Personal and long term benefits are explained below
What you don't seem to understand is that mourning is giving the ultimate...