OMG...who sang "Peel Off" huh?-2 Fast 2 Furious theme song...
Then listen to
"Hey Jin"
"Jin from the block"
"Asian Girls"
"Oh No!"
"Got Rice?"
"The Come Thru" feat. Twista
"Learn Chinese"
"I Gotta Love"
and..."I Quit"
I use Johnson & Johnson:
1. I wash my face
2. Then I use Johnson & Johnson's Clean & Clear: Deep Cream Cleanser
3. Wash that off
4. Use a DaVinci Peel Off Face Masque
5. Clean that off
6. Use Johnson & Johnson's Blackhead Cleansing Toner
7. Finish it off with a Johnson & Johnson's...
Mad horny...LoLz!
I can't comprehend the notion of 'acting' whilst you're fucking. Just be yourself. \
I'd hate for a girl to act all hesitant whilst inside they're burning for a fucking.
I'd hope most torturing performed would be on a proactive stance. Wouldn't it? If the deed was done then they would most likely go through the legal system. (If I was in charge, I'd kill them without trial. Yes, I know you don't want to live in such a country, but that's just my stance, whether...
I'd like to think the authorities have the utmost greatest suspicions on the potential torturee for it to happen. I'm not against torturing at all. Torturing should only be done with respect to crimes against the state. Murders and other 'petty' crimes as such should follow the current legal system.