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  1. iambored

    I need some subtle ways of letting a girl know I like her :p

    She could reject him. Doesn't sound bad to me, at least then you don't have to keep wondering about if she likes you and you can try and move on. Good luck! I think you should do it as early in the day as you can so you don't get nervous.
  2. iambored


    everyone says that, why is it different being in a different country?
  3. iambored

    Campus and Divisions Map?

    yes .
  4. iambored

    Assumed knowledge differs?

    Because assumed knowledge doesn't mean anything - they don't check up on it. I'm just going to find the assumed knowledge for my course and I'll report back on why I might have needed it in the first 2 years. edit: my assumed knowledge would have helped me in only one of my subjects. it is...
  5. iambored


    Hi! Glad you're loving it so far. Sounds different but you'll have a blast
  6. iambored

    Campus and Divisions Map? I found a map on that page, but I can never work out which division is in which building or what exactly is in each building
  7. iambored

    Under Construction...

    lol, nice .
  8. iambored

    Campus and Divisions Map?

    Is there a map which shows which areas of the uni different divisions are situated in and what is in each building?
  9. iambored

    Under Construction...

    on a related topic, where is our pool??? :angry:
  10. iambored

    Coles Myer Online assessment

    From what I can tell, there is no pattern. The whole hiring process is bs.
  11. iambored

    Under Construction...

    There are signs saying what they are doing, there is a purpose, something historical.
  12. iambored

    When is macq uni open day?

    Ok, thanks, I didn't realise that edit: I have been reading the site and it sounds like a great idea, it will help a lot of students
  13. iambored

    When is macq uni open day?

    Don't they normally have another info day about now or is that pathways day, that everyone else goes to?
  14. iambored

    omg, failed car exam 6 times on auto

    but you don't need to know what the gears are, therefore it's easier
  15. iambored

    Need Help from Girls regarding Mind Games..

    Which is the funny part of it all, so just don't do it, then we will all be happy
  16. iambored

    Distance issues

    from the shire it's probbaly best that you drive, you could probably cut that travel time in half
  17. iambored

    Need Help from Girls regarding Mind Games..

    my post was for casmira komaticom - i don't know what she could mean by that, it's a direct question, she has guts to ask that. either tell her you like her or just say you don't really like anyone there
  18. iambored

    Need Help from Girls regarding Mind Games..

    casmira - she either likes you a lot (and is shy) or doesn't like you (and doesn't want to talk) or that is just her personality. if you don't like her in any way and don't mind giving mixed signals i would just say to do it right back to her - be on and off, don't go out of your way but don't...
  19. iambored

    Psychology - confused

    100 level is the basic level, so yes you could say it is first year but you might find some 200 level units you can also do in first year (if they have no prerequisites or you do the prereq in first semester) how many cp do you need for the degree? ideally, you would probably do 4 units work...
  20. iambored

    Psychology - confused

    Also make sure you satisfy the requirements of how many cp you have to do at 200 and 300 level. it's best to see how many points your cores account for, then to work out what prereqs you have to do for subjects you might want to do at 300 level